The Rosatom Union-Champions of the Golden Play Field of the Federal Business League of the Autumn season-2018! | Atomic energy 2.0

The Rosatom Union-Champions of the Golden Play Field of the Federal Business League of the Autumn season-2018! | Atomic energy 2.0

The main match of the season between the teams of the trade union of the Rosatom and Terem was, of course, uncompromising. The game of two grandmasters of the autumn tournament fascinated with coherence of actions by both, almost ideal geometry of combinations, the reliability of defensive constructions … speed, finally! Indeed, especially in the first half, the teams held at the maximum pace.

The Rosatom Union-Champions of the Golden Play Field of the Federal Business League of the Autumn season-2018!

Indeed, especially in the first half, the teams held at the maximum pace. Rosatom, understanding perfectly with whom he was dealing, created a very great density in defense, arranging a bunch of problems with the tower.

At the same time, the “nuclear workers” did not forget about the high pressure, from which, however, the “builders” were very cheerful.

The most important, if not the key moment in the match happened in the 12th minute. The ball (it is necessary, what a plot!) Dmitry Romanov cut into his own gate the best scorer of the tower and the entire tournament.

He led Rosatom in the score, and for such an equal and difficult game, the goal gives a huge advantage that has clogged.

Terem, despite the excellent ball control in the center of the field and, in general, generally surpassing Rosatom in possession, for the entire first one could not put the opponent’s defense there.

Although there were many attempts: only before the break the “Reds” inflicted 24 (!) Shock on the goal of current champions. And those who defended the title even more – 29! (from neither 15 to the target of the gate).

The beginning of the second half: the player of Rosatom charges from a long distance – greatly by. Terem, as usual, cherished the ball, trying to bring every attack to the shock on the goal.

Rosatom answered superpowed: a couple of centimeters to the right, and to be a ball in a grid.

In the middle of the second half, Rosatom remained in the minority: Maxim Kukharev was removed from the field.

Surprisingly, this only rally a team that still took possession of a territorial advantage. It logically resulted in the second goal, its authorship belongs to Agashi Tovmasyan.

It was still about ten minutes to play, and their tower was not enough even to soak the score. The Rosatom Union-Champions of the Golden Play Field of the Federal Business League of the Autumn season-2018!

Interview with Maksimov Olegovich Shvedov (trade union of the Rosatom Civil Code):

J. – Compare your path to the championship last year and in this. Which is more complicated?
M.Sh. – approximately comparable. Last season, one defeat was defeated at the group stage, which did not affect the final result.
This season they tried to win the group, played victory in every match, and coped with this task. There was only one draw that arranges us from the point of view of the standings.
The level of rivals was approximately the same. Last season, the Gazpromneft team played, which, perhaps, was potentially stronger than us.This season, we were rather originally the favorites of the tournament.
They felt that other teams were seriously tuned to games with us, fought to the end. At the same time, two teams with which the games took place in a bitter struggle can be noted.
In general, it seems to me that the average level of the championship this season was no lower than in the past.

J. – In the final match was the moment when you doubted victory?
M.Sh. – No, there was no such moment. The team approached this game with a good attitude and very responsibly. In the 1st half there was a “swing” open game, an attack on the attack.
It was felt that the opponent laid out completely at the beginning of the game. And in the 2nd half, our advantage was already obvious.
They played tactically very competently, formed equivalent game five, often changed, and all the fresh players who went to replace mainly strengthened the game.
In defense, they acted with a minimum amount of marriage, especially in the second half. The goalkeeper was as always super-fucked. Presswed the opponent at his gate, attacked sharply and varied.
There was an advantage in individual skill, almost every player. And the opponent is clearly tired in the second half. And even the removal of our player did not break the game.
Playing in the minority did not allow the opponent to create anything real at our gate, pushed the game to half. In general, the quality of the game in the final was at a high level. Perhaps the best game in the tournament.
It's great that they showed themselves so in the final. This is an indicator of skill.

J.- What should the next stage in the development of the Rosatom team be?
M.Sh. – Next stage? We will move forward. We are not going to arrange revolutions, we treat traditions carefully. We continue to increase the level of command interaction. Maybe new faces will appear, because the injuries of players, unfortunately, have not been canceled. At the same time, we do not set a separate goal of “updating the composition”. The team has a very great potential, perhaps not fully realized. It seemed visually that we had a fairly young team, especially against the background of those teams with which we played in Play-Off. Here's what we’ll do for sure – to continue to love football and strive to enjoy the game and bring joy to their fans in Rosatom.

Interview with Sergei Ustinov (Terem):

J. – Sergey, in the final you were brought up, or there were other reasons that influenced the result of the match with Rosatom?
S.U. – No, there were no other reasons, only banal bad luck. The moments were created enough to win.

J. – What do the team need to reach the finals? The main qualities, in your opinion?
S.U. – Playing, technical equipment and team spirit.

J. – The Terem team has been performing in tournaments for many years in almost the same composition. How is the result achieved with such a not high rotation of players?
S.U. – Due to playing, each player of the team knows his role on the field, special installations or analysis is not required.