Russian gay activist holds permanent rally outside the White House in Washington

Russian gay activist holds permanent rally outside the White House in Washington

Andrei Nasonov, a Voronezh gay activist who previously announced that he was leaving Russia and asking for political asylum in the United States, began an open-ended rally outside the White House in Washington

Russian gay activist holds an open-ended rally outside the White House in Washington

The first time he went on a picket to the White House on 24 August. I consider the main goal of the picket to inform the US residents about the human rights situation with respect to LGBT people in Russia. That is why I plan to use posters with various inscriptions and photographs, while distributing leaflets with my story and general information about the life of LGBT people in Russia. It seems to me To speak about this now is very important. While the whole world is closely following global geopolitical events, other problems do not disappear, do not become less acute. , Nasonov explained the purpose of the action on his page on the VKontakte social network.

I declare the action indefinite. I plan to go to the White House as often as possible. Maybe every day. At least until I receive an official work permit. This usually happens 150 days after applying for asylum., he added.

To prevent Nasonov from having to stand alone at the White House every day, the idea was supported by other gay activists who fled Russia for the United States in recent years.

After standing for two days, the activists realized that the White House was mostly visited by tourists, not American citizens. There are many Russians among them, who have already told their former fellow citizens everything they think about them. The activists thought that it might be worth experimenting with the location of the action.

Recall that Andrey Nasonov left Russia a month and a half ago. According to the Voronezh gay activist, he left from threats and idiots.