Owl -plus: description, photo, price, nature and standards of the breed – Ilikepet

➤ Owl-plus-the standard of the animal breed. ✔ Assessment of the type and basic regulatory features. ☆ Description of qualities, such as physique and origin of the breed.



The minimum permissible dimensions of the cell for the canvas are 80x50x50. It is also worth highlighting a separate room where the owl could constantly fly, otherwise their muscles atrophy.
There should be a grille above the pallet so that the owl does not go on a litter.
It is worth cleaning the cage daily so that there is no unpleasant odor and any infection in the pet.
Do not forget about the drinker in the cage.
In the cage it is recommended to put soft rags on which owls love to lie. Also, many birds like to swim, so they will need a bath.
The room will require different additives and hemp.


The COUs are scored with mice, frogs or one -day chickens. In the best option, it is necessary to allow a predatory bird to hunt, so it is better to leave food “alive”.
It is not recommended to give pure meat, since bones and wool must be present in the rational diet. Do not feed the pet also with trained mice and rats, since your owl can be poisoned.
Sometimes a bird can be given various beetles, cockroaches and rainworms. Plant (dandelions, berries, fruits) and soft (buckwheat porridge with chicken eggs and cottage cheese) feed will be useful.
1 time in 2 weeks it is necessary to arrange a fasting day.
Water should be constant in access, and it must be changed twice a day, since owls are very demanding on the purity of water.

Breeding and reproduction

For breeding flattenes, you need a span of at least 2 m, peace for a couple and high -quality food. They also need hollows in which they could arrange a nest.


  • Aspergillosis
  • Ornithosis
  • Coccidiosis
  • Staphylococcus
  • Clostedia
  • Salmonellosis

The story of the breed

Today, owls are becoming a rather popular pets, but by nature they remain wild birds of prey, so before you get such a friend, it is worthwhile to find out in detail some aspects of the content in your apartment or on the site of such a pet.

Sleep is one of the smallest, and therefore suitable for maintenance at home owl. It is also quite simple in content and quickly gets used to a person.

First of all, remember that the owl shows its activity at night, as well as late in the evening and early in the morning, so such a bird is not very suitable for “larks”. However, if you like to stay at night, then a similar creation can be a great friend and companion for you.

Another important feature of the owl is that these are predators, and purchased beef or chicken from the store is not suitable for their digestion system. In order for this bird to have everything in order with health, it must be fed with whole carcasses of rodents, daily clocks or quails, that is, feathers, blood, wool and bones, owls are also necessary in the diet, as, in fact, meat.But to give food alive or inanimate – you decide. Only in no case do not use trained mice and rats so as not to harm your owl to the health of your owl.

As for feeding, that is, another nuance. From the undigested residues, which after the meal were in the stomach of the owls, dense lumps are formed – the riddles, which are subsequently erupted with a bird (which, of course, increases the need for thorough cleaning to avoid unpleasant odor). If this process does not exist (when feeding “pure” meat), then the owl will be disturbed by the peristalsis of the entire intestine.

Now let's talk about the place where your night predator will live. Owls cannot be kept in cells. For them, you can build a large aviary on the site near the country house or set them in an apartment, but for this you will need to completely allocate a whole room. The reason for this is that owls are wrapping feathers about the rods of the owl cage, they cut their paws and wound the wax.

If we are talking about apartment content, then from the room you need to remove all valuable things for you and the things that are dangerous for owls, as well as the fact that it can break, overturn and break. The windows can be curtained with dense curtains if you want to slightly change the mode of the days of a feathered night predator. It is better to remove large glasses and mirrors in general, so that the bird does not break about them. Take care that your pet has a sufficient number of toys (and it is important that they do not accidentally become some of your necessary things left unattended).

In the room (as in the aviary) there should be additives, poles, where the bird could rest. They are recommended to be tightened with a soft cloth or artificial grass. Near one of the perches, place the feeder. Owls also need swimwear, as these birds are very fond of taking baths. To do this, you can use, for example, high -sided cat trays.

It is necessary to clean the owl regularly, since hygiene is very important for them, and a caustic drop, scattered up to 2 meters, and the pages can quickly make the room dirty.

Despite the fact that owls are smart animals, completely manual, even grown from the chicks, they will never become, so when communication you need to be cautioned.

The most common diseases among owls are intestinal or pulmonary helminths. At the same time, not every veterinarian will take up the treatment of such a pet, therefore, you should think about such a possible problem in advance.