Five World Class clubs in Saratov

Five World Class clubs in Saratov

Five World Class clubs in Saratov. News on the World Class website

Five World Class clubs in Saratov

World Class signed a contract for two more clubs with a partner who was the first to open World Class in the regions – Konstantin Chernitsov (President of the fitness clubs association System of Fitness Professionals, Saratov).


Now our network in the city of Saratov is five World Class clubs!

And 54 franchise projects in the multi-brand portfolio of the Russian Fitness Group!

The trust of partners is a sign of the quality of the work of our franchising department!

We continue to develop and open new locations for our beloved World Class!

Nonstop Vacation: Ali Bey Hotels  Resorts in Turkey

How to relax for those who live in non-stop mode and even with a short pause are worried about FOMO – fear of missing out, when you are afraid to miss new opportunities? Most likely, holidays in complete inactivity will not bring joy. But resting like this is not at all necessary, the creators of the Ali Bey Hotels Resorts hotel collection in Turkey are sure, even though the resorts are located on the seashore, where a leisurely beach vacation is a common thing.

Rock climbing: Dmitry Fakiryanov

Multiple champion of Russia in rock climbing, winner of the Russian Cup (2021), current athlete of the Russian Federation in the difficulty direction, master of sports.