Street 5th Sokolina Gora, 18, building 2, Moscow — VIP TELECOM

Street 5th Sokolina Gora, 18, building 2, Moscow — VIP TELECOM

Location of the VIP TELECOM company on the map at the address Moscow, street 5-ya Sokolinoy Gory, 18, building 2

street 5th Sokolina Gory, 18, building 2, Moscow

The VIP TELECOM company is located in the section Internet providers in Moscow. The company is located at: 105275, Moscow, street 5th Sokolina Gora, 18, building 2. The nearest metro station: Highway Entuziastov, distance 678 meters. Company website:

Information about the VIP TELECOM company is provided by the Internet directory of organizations Yellow Pages of Moscow (Yellow Pages). The organization is posted on the Internet resource YP.RU under the number 1401785 and includes the name of the company, field of activity, location address, phone number, email and the official website of VIP TELECOM. Additional information about the company can also be provided in the form of customer reviews, partners and employees of the company, photos, information about discounts and promotions.

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We signed an agreement with this company to provide us with office computer services. The company is responsible, the guys work perfectly, they provide a monthly report on the work done, in this area I think they have no competitors in terms of quality and price. Thank you.