Professional football players from Kostroma: who and where | GTRK "Kostroma"

Professional football players from Kostroma: who and where | GTRK "Kostroma"

News on the official website of the State TV and Radio Company Kostroma

Professional football players from Kostroma: who and where

Today, December 10, is celebrated international football day. For the Kostroma fans with no professional team in their hometown, game number one became to some extent a holiday on a strange street. However, there are a lot of Kostroma residents – active players of professional football clubs from our (and not only) country. On football day, we decided to remember some of them. And, given the imminent end of the year, draw an intermediate line under their sporting achievements.

Professional football players from Kostroma: who and where

Since there are a lot of fellow football players, but I want to tell about everyone, our The story will be divided into three parts.. In the first we will talk about those natives of Kostroma who occupy some intermediate position: they are far from the Premier League, but they are not in danger of diving into the very deep abyss of the Russian football “swamp” (at least, as it seems now). Most of them, by the way, unites the Spartacist past.

Second part – will be dedicated to those players that even many Kostroma geeks who are deeply fond of football may not know about. In the third – let's recall those whose successes at the highest football level – first of all, the Russian Premier League – inspire boys from Kostroma to play football. Showing that with due diligence (and of course, a share of luck) you can be among the strongest football players in the country.

Let's make a reservation right away: we will only talk about those football players – natives of the Kostroma region, who performed at the professional level in 2021. In Russia, these are the Premier League (RPL), the Football National League (FNL) and a whole “network” of lower in the hierarchy, but still not amateur leagues – FNL-2. Our list includes those in whose footballer's passport the place of birth is Kostroma or the region. Hereinafter, all data, including those relating to the transfer value of players, taken from statportal Statistics are based on the current results of the 2021/22 season (as of December 8). So: