st. Dzerzhinsky, 26 in Brest 🇧🇾

st. Dzerzhinsky, 26 in Brest 🇧🇾

Dzerzhinsky street, 26 on the map of Brest in 2022. Detailed geographical, satellite, online and offline map of Belarus. 3D panorama. Geographical coordinates.

house 26 on Dzerzhinsky street Brest

house 26 – the only building on Dzerzhinsky Street in Brest, located next to the house 79 on Sovetskaya Street.

Geographical coordinates

  • absolute in degrees, minutes and seconds:
    52° 5′ 19″ N • north latitude
    23° 41′ 33″ E • East longitude
  • in degrees with decimals:
    52,088608°; 23,692500°

Postal address in English:

If you are going to hold a redevelopment or a general meeting of the owners of residential premises, or you are a potential buyer of an apartment in this building, then here you can:

    apartments (to bypass the realtor to buy an apartment directly without intermediaries). premises in the MKD (are there any encumbrances, arrests, rents). housing of an apartment building (whether a dysfunctional apartment was often sold).

On the map, you can display the cadastral boundaries of the plots or select one of the thematic maps:

  • Form of ownership on the plots;
  • Cadastral value of plots;
  • Land categories;
  • Permitted use of the plots;
  • Territorial zones;
  • Zones with special conditions for the use of the territory.

Address plate house 26, Dzerzhinsky street

Address plate at the address house 26, Dzerzhinsky street