Sirokko publications – ⭐️ Sonic World forum

Sirokko publications – ⭐️ Sonic World forum

Sirokko initially wanted to raise a common topic to discuss the drawn comics, but the last post in it was a few years ago, and even that from me, so I decided to create a new one. So.


Initially, I wanted to raise a common topic to discuss the drawn comics, but the last post in it was a few years ago, and that from me, so I decided to create a new one. So. * Calls.* Hello everyone! For a long time I did not appear here. I hope they still remember me. When I heard about the planned output of Sonic Forces, I really wanted the game to be good. Unfortunately, a miracle did not happen! But what's wrong with her? – you ask. Now I will explain this in detail. In comics! After all, the plot of this game is so bad that it can be ridiculed for a long time. [Attention, heavy plot spoilers!] The whole plot of the game looks something like this. It all starts with a good tie, from which nothing interesting, or any significant events, never comes out. You never surprised you that infinite, which, in theory, should be a cool super mercenary, having received a slaughterhouse from Shadow, begins to scandal loudly? Here is a possible explanation of his reaction. (Special thanks to Grimlok for giving me this idea). What do you think of it? Commanding, discussing. If you like it, I will draw more. I have planned a whole series of stripes. True, I don’t know if my effort and time will be much enough. By the way, if you know any good fandomics on Sonic Forces, you can also throw them away here, I will read it with pleasure. (There is no need to throw officials, I think they have already seen them for a long time).

Sirokko added a topic to the other

Not all hedgehogs were listed in the vote of the beloved character, so I decided to create a topic about them separately. And so, who is your favorite hedgehog? Is this cheerful and friendly Sonic, the dark and mysterious Shedow, a powerful mefiles, or perhaps an evil version of a super sonica from the comic books of flTTs and the third season of the soiki? R-V1-1-64778353-For male characters R-V1-2-64778589-for the female characters, thanks to Meta-Sonic for finding this program on the endless expanses of Deviantart. Here are my Persians. The hedgehog Siroco was looking for a way to live forever. This ended with the fact that he turned into a vampire as a result of one of his experiments: this black cat is called Bad Luck. If she crosses your way, you will fall into trouble: this is a hedgehog-bikers Spike and Temptayshen:

  • December 10, 2007
  • 588 answers

Sirokko added a topic to video games

In the game Sonic The Fighters, known to us from the Sonic Gems Collection collection, except for ordinary Persians (Sonic, Tail, Nakls, Amy, Nak, Espio, Bin and Bark), you can play a whole bunch of hidden characters, such as Hani or Metal Sonic. But, apparently, the developers really did not want to show them to us, and removed them from the menu of the choice of characters. Nevertheless, the information about them is still stored in the game of the game and they are quite playable, but the only way to make sure of this is the original Rom Feitersov.So, does anyone know how to do this and what program is needed for this? Useful links: s_model_2b_crx/ – here you can download this game. – download an emulator for it. d=1artid=9 – information about hidden characters. d=1artid=6 – information about Honey.

Sirokko replied to a topic by Predator the Echidna at Fine

Opened Paypal commissions on YES. All info is there — I rarely come here.

Sirokko replied to a topic by Karion Stripes in RPG FFA

* Passing by a familiar building with massive gates and the inscription RPG FFA, I suddenly decided to go in, see if anything new and interesting had appeared there during my long absence, and stumbled upon this topic. * I must say, very entertaining)) And, to be honest, some beginner GMs really make the mistakes listed here, because of which their rolls end their existence quickly and tragically. However, it seems to me that Kare does not quite understand the meaning of some of the rules of role-playing games that he criticizes here. Let me be clear: The GM is always right rule refers to the game world and events in it, not to sending anyone who pestered with questions. As one GM said, whose name I no longer remember: If I said that crocodiles fly, then they fly. If after some time they stopped flying, then there were reasons for that. After all, only the GM knows all the subtleties of the game world. I remember one of the players molested Dela and argued that in her roller in the elevator shaft, by no means, there could be water, although in fact there was water there for objective reasons that the player simply did not know. It always seemed to me that this rule does not apply to swearing characters, but to the fact that the players do not quarrel among themselves. And I came up with this rule in those distant times, when this large, beautiful building with the sign “FFA Role Playing Games” did not exist yet and the role playing games were merged with the “Slippers and so on” section. And then there were no full-fledged role-playing at TsIS. There was a free play without GMs and almost no rules, where you could do whatever you want. And it was like this: Spectrum and I… not even GMs, but just kept an eye on one topic of such a freeplay and created a plot there so that the players would have something to do. Once a character signed up with us with abilities that inevitably lead to death for the enemy and to irreversible consequences. So I had to introduce this rule so that he would not take it into his head to kill the characters of other players. Later it took root in Slippers. For a full-fledged role-playing game, where the events are controlled by the GM, it, of course, will be superfluous, because. there the GM decides the outcome of the battle and who died and who did not))) And this rule was invented by the Spectrum, when in the above-mentioned freeplay, where we led the plot, all sorts of demons and supervillains who wanted to take over the world themselves were constantly trying to sign up, which really interfered development of the main story.Again, for a full -fledged role with GMA and the limited characters' abilities, this rule is superfluous. Well, I said everything. A pleasant game and may role power come with you! *Unfolds and, pathetically throwing his black cloak, hides at dusk.*

Sirokko added a topic to the other

Temka about heroes-one-day prompted me to this thought. There are characters who never appeared in any official game, cartoon, or comic book. Which of them do you like? Who would you like to see in games/cartoons? Do you know about any other heroes suitable for this description? Nazo The Hedgehog – a mysterious silver hedgehog appeared in the advertising video of the Sonic series, which became the object of numerous discussions among Sonikfenes. He was given the name of NZO, because on the Japanese site of Segy, the screenshot with him was called Nazo.jpg. There were rumors that this was Hyper Sonik, Hyper Shedow, or a new character that should appear in the series. In fact, nzo is just a betaver of the appearance of Super Sonic, which has not been included in the final version of the cartoon, like many other things in that video (for example, an orange torn). The picture of Honey The Cat – When Sonic the Fighters was released in the collection of Sonic Gems Collection games, a character named Hani was discovered. Hani does not have a model, she is invisible, and hovers the game, but it can be launched with another model. Loading screen – the image of the Eggment is set by default for unused characters. “And it turned out in my answer: two diggers and two -thirds” – Hani is loaded with the model of the dream book, therefore we see the body of the dream book. In the original version of the game, Hani was a playable character. It seems that her name and appearance were taken from the game Fighting Vipers, on the engine of which were made by Fighters‘ov. Picture 1 picture 2 Hani in Fighting Vipers (information taken from the site ashura the hedgehog – this is not even a character, but just a glitch of a palette in the Sonic 2 game on Sega. What needs to be done to call it described in this topic: link picture Tiara The Manx Cat – it sunk into oblivion along with the Sonic X -Treme that was never released for the Sega Saturn console. Tiara was supposed to be a playable character. They say that Princess Sally was created precisely in her image. Picture (information taken from the site

Sirokko answered the themer of Delete Destrudo in the FFA role -playing games

Well, Remirel and the like, you did a great job, showing Dal that you consider him a useless GMA, and his roof is dull, boring and no one needs. My congratulations! I hope you are now satisfied! *Unfolds and leaves with Cisa after Delly.*