Sochi | World corporate games in the FSBI "South Sport" – Bezformata

The Rostec competition program is world corporate games that will be held in Sochi on October 7-8 includes a wide variety of sports, which have already become traditional for the world corporate sports industry. Krasnodar region. Sochi.

World corporate games in the FSBI South Sport

World corporate games in the FSBI South Sport -

The Rostec competition program is world corporate games that will be held in Sochi on October 7-8 includes a wide variety of sports, which have already become traditional for the world corporate sports industry. So, the struggle will take place on mini-football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, tug of rope, dart. In total, the program includes 17 sports, including new disciplines: functional all -around and sailing regatta, as well as the intellectual game Brainstorm.

Competitions will be held on the territory of the largest sports center in the south of Russia – the Southern Federal Center for Sports Training of the Federal State Budgetary Institution South Sport. More than 600 participants of 50 companies are expected. As part of the program, participants will identify the best amateur athletes from among Russian and international companies, and will also be able to establish business ties in an informal setting.

World corporate games are held annually and every year the struggle for medals is becoming more spectacular, because the level of training of athletes is growing significantly, the teams are replenished with new athletes-amateur sports and a healthy lifestyle.

It is also important to note that world corporate games that complete the autumn season of large mass sporting events are a great opportunity to increase teamwork, strengthen business relations, and make a significant contribution to the development of the corporate sports industry at the international level. And for the Rostec team, this is also a great incentive to strengthen the position in the race for the corporate TRP Cup, whose final will be held in February in Moscow.

World corporate games are organized by the Fund for Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports with the support of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the State Corporation Rostec. The sponsors of the project in 2017 are Rosoboronexport and Design Bureau of Instrument Engineering named after Academician A. G. Shipunov».

This material is published on the BEZFORMATA website January 11, 2019,
Below is the date when the material was published on the source’s website!