Publications on A Keyword "Athletes"

Publications on A Keyword "Athletes"

All publications posted in the electronic library of the Center for Scientific Cooperation “Interactive Plus” for the key word “Athletes” and constantly available for discussion on the discussion site

List of publications on a keyword: Athletes

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The Article Is Dedicated to theme of Athletes Training to Enable An Environment Favourable to the Sports Team Features. The Author States, That The Coaching Environment Creed by the Sports Team is Positively Related to the Perception of the Athlete's Success as a Task Orientation. In Conclusion, it is not athletes Better Apprecate the Coach's Ability to Create an Environces Them Thines dock not enable Them.

[13.00.00] Pedagogical sciences

Vera V. Orlova , doctor of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor
Olga E. Khalaleeva , graduate student, master of sports in academic rowing
FSBEI of He TOMSK State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics , Tomsk region

Characteristics of Modern System of Training Athletes in Rowing

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This Article Presents The Main Stages of Development and Professional Growth of Athletes Specialized in Rowing. The authors considered the characteristics of modern system of qualified athletes training, challenges that must be addressed at every stage and methodological aspects of their solutions at each stage of a training the qualified athlete. The Necessity of Training the Athlete Not from the Technical Point of View, But Also According to Safety Rules Is Grounded. Significant attention in the assessment of the quality and efficiency of the methodology for training professional athletes in rowing is paid to performance requirements permitting to assess the athlete’s degree of involvement in training process and his real level at the moment.

General history

Myktybek I. Tagaev , vice -rector
Kyrgyz State Academy of Physical Education and Sport , Kyrgyzstan
Saitdin S. Azizbaev Candidate of Historical Sciences
, Kyrgyzstan

Physical Culture and Sport in Kyrgyzstan in the Days of the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)

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The Article Deals with Issues Related to the Activities Activation and Sports EnterPrice Restering of Kyrgyzstan in the Days of the Great Patriotic War. The Article Notes that Heroism on the Fronts of Athletes and Sportsmen of Kyrgyzstan Was Shown.

Psychological aspects of pedagogical activity

Vadim V. Smoliankin Bachelor of Psychological Sciences, undergraduate
Tuiana T. Tudupova , Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department
FSBEI of He Buryatia State University Buryatia Rep

The Features of Accented Character Traits of Athletes with Different Sports Specialization

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The Article Considers Practical Aspects of the Demonstration of Accentuated Personality Traits in Athletes (On the Basis of the Republican Sports Dispensary). In Addition, The Study Devote to the Analysis of the Difference in the Demonstrations of Accentuated Traits Among Athletes Engaged and Non-Contert Sports. The SAMPLE WAS MADE UP of athletes Residing in the Territory of the Republic of Buryatia in Quantity of 31 PEOPLE, AGED 19 To 28 YEARS. All Participants in the Sample Have Sports Ranks: Candidate Master of Sports (24 PEOPLE) And Master of Sports (7 People). Athletes Were Divated into Two Groups, According to Their Sport Specialization. Tthe Group of Contact Sports Included Athletes Engaged in Martial Arts (Boxing, Wrestling, Karate). A Group of Contactless Sports Contained Shooting Sports (Archery, Crossbow Shooting). The Purpose of the Study Was to Identify the Specificity of the Demonstration of Accentuated Character Traits of the Athletes' Personality de