Five unusual photographs since the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk region of Governor Alexander Lebed – KP. Ru

Five unusual photographs since the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk region of Governor Alexander Lebed – KP. Ru

Exclusive personnel from the archive Komsomolskaya Pravda-Krasnoyarsk

Five unusual photographs since the leadership of the Krasnoyarsk region of Governor Alexander Lebed

Alexander Lebed. Photo: Anatoly BELONOGOV

The position of the governor is often associated with residents with a strict official costume, a pile of documents and a severe expression on a person. A typical image of such a great leader. But work as the head of the region is not only official meetings, office and desktop. These are hundreds, if not thousands of trips, informal meetings and a variety of situations where you can see a strict governor from a completely different side.

What was General Lebed, who led the Krasnoyarsk Territory from 1998 to 2002? By the 20th anniversary of the tragic death of Governor Alexander Ivanovich, Komsomolskaya Pravda-Krasnoyarsk opened her photo archive from paper shots and digitized some of them. We present to your attention 5 unusual shots with the participation of Alekandra Lebed as the head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Work by work, and sport on schedule

Photo: KP archive

The swan in the memory of many remained like a harsh general in military uniform with epaulets. Army straightening, strict look. You do not expect to see him at all … in the football gate that actively catch the ball. It is worth noting that he did this, remaining the same serious. Despite his 50, Alexander Ivanovich was in excellent sports form.

Enterprise – in

Photo: KP archive

During the administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexander Ivanovich sought to improve different spheres of the life of the Krasnoyarsk residents. During a visit to one of the enterprises, according to the rules, it was necessary to wear overalls – a robe and a cap. The photojournalist KP-Krasnoyarsk managed to capture this moment.

I went well

Photo: KP archive

But what you do not expect is to see the head of the region in a suit and with a stack of something strong. But sometimes this is required by the “protocol”, and all -seeing photographers, of course, are nearby.

Strategist and tactics

Photo: KP archive

The ability to think a few moves ahead and competently think through every step – an undoubtedly important quality, both for the general and for the governor. Alexander Lebed had all this, like a love of chess.

Bone military

Photo: KP archive

Despite his rather extensive track record as a politician, Alexander Ivanovich was a military man most of his life. In the soul of Major General Swan, this area occupied a separate niche-this is still proved by the current cadet corps in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which appeared from its presentation. Well, the picture captures one of the days of the Airborne Forces. The head of the region in military uniform among paratroopers, as simple and closely communicates with one of the former troops. Is there something in this frame as a catchy, agree?

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