About fluff vvs

About fluff vvs

I just compared it with the gates of weight accuracy 85 range 15 rapid fire 8.33 damage 9.03 breakdown 10 door accuracy 90 range 4 rate of fire 48 damage 10.8 armor 50 defense 100 question, well, on x.

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Fostell [44] Rating: 0

about fluff vvs 21:40, 01 Oct 2013

just compared with the gate
accuracy 85
distance 15
rapid fire 8.33
damage 9.03
breakdown 10
a door
accuracy 90
distance 4
rate of fire 48
damage 10.8
armor 50
protection 100
the question is, well, why the hell do I need this vivisi? Accumulate schemes or throw real money at auction? Pistol can’t resist anything yet, not a single fluff, all this is a divorce.

22:21, 01 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

Well, no one goes with her. And the Persians with snipers right now you can see the current in the wall, but in CI.

04:12, 02 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

this is a non-trivial weapon that behaves as it wants – it can crush the door, or maybe not kill the Irishman) as lucky ..

Political, Caco, Qu, Vanillka, Kleshneruk, Kavai, Calorifer, Fermondug, Totoro, Logic: Corsair Medal 5 was +15 luck and 8 prestige.

08:56, 02 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

you're not right!
let me explain

First, different weapons for different tasks. Snipers are designed for harsh masses (such as KI, wall, bunker, etc.) and perform well in most missions with bots. A shield in a CI or a wall is stupid meat, the Air Force is much more useful. The only practical use of the shield is the masses along the lines! And the game, you know, is much wider than this type of mass fight!
Secondly, anything can resist a pistol! What kind of servility in front of the shields!? They're dropping like flies! It is clear that if a player is running under a full buff with hires pumped in, then the shields will stand, but any hire or Persian with other weapons under such conditions will cause a lot of trouble to the enemy.
Solid nipers under the POU will demolish any shield (hiring 100%, a Persian if there is heavy armor) is still on the way, the shield will be forced to have at least some chances to throw out ALL consumption – this is a cassette, a jammer, running acceleration, a panacea, that is, reaching if having reached, it will be bled, and then the flow is competent and there is no definitively shield-gadze.
Thirdly, the Air Force is an excellent sniper. It has a kill like a Hellkat, but the range of 15 vs. 13 decides everything, since the player is in the maximum rear next to the Persians with Canons at 16, but they shoot more often, but small, and the Air Force hits lethally.
Fourthly, about the fact that the Air Force behaves as it wants, it can also grind the door, or maybe not kill the Irishman – it's a matter of different types of armor and weapons. We are talking about hiring, since the Persians can manipulate the armor. The door has heavy armor, and snipers have the highest damage ratio against heavy armor (+25%) in general among the entire weapon / armor combination; attack aircraft, on the contrary, are the most inconvenient opponent for a sniper in terms of damage to armor (+0%), plus the Irishman runs fast and has a high base swiftness and +18% damage to the sniper's armor, so the Irishman is a sniper's hell!

I have 4 trunks:
– automatic rifle NF-2012 – lifeguard, missions with bots
– Air Force sniper – not removed when downloading hires, wall (well, CI)
– The shield T -REX – Masses (but I haven’t been going to them for a long time, maybe once every 2 weeks I have been, I got my curse of the latter on the list)
– machine gun M66 – dusts, since nothing

11:35, Oct 02 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

Supended natives under the POU will demolish any shield (hiring 100%, Persian if there is heavy reservation) on the way

And if he already got up at the Resp? As usual and happens.

12:02, 02 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

Supended natives under the POU will demolish any shield (hiring 100%, Persian if there is heavy reservation) on the way

And if he already got up at the Resp? As usual and happens.

buff, consumption and straight arms and there is no shield on the resp

P.S. In general, with its speed, there is every chance of it not to let him go there, and if you have slept, then the line is higher

12:08, 02 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

13:51, Oct 02 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

01:59, 03 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

10:48, 03 Oct 2013 Rating: 0 Rating: 4 –>

There is simply nothing to love for him 🙂
And at the expense of the rescue, the question should be raised differently: why rewind the NF on M66, if the result is 100% one between them, only for the sake of radium
That's what I sometimes do, once, another per month – I take M66 in a rescue, and in the six of the dictator with the same frequency and take off the hires to see how my Persian who has gone into pants slaves to the journalist

At one time he took the M66 to get up on the respiration and fry. At first, I spat on the speed of movement and tight shooting, and then I got used to it and convinced myself that it was cool. In a couple to him, he determined a sniper of a blizzard under an increased armored one (the first hire to whom he began to download specialization) to steam and beat 200+. But then red grenades appeared and this couple began to bomb each other, I had to abandon the couple on an increased armor and take the jug, which was not in my idea, but forced. Then he tried to take Necima for 4 ahead of him with a machine gun, but it was somehow not that. And there I bought a pistol. And the machine gun thoroughly went on the shelf, and the blizzard remained with a half specialists, although he bit all the other first hires in full.

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