Ukrposhta Brovary St. Yuri Gagarina, 20 | Index 07400

Ukrposhta Brovary St. Yuri Gagarina, 20 | Index 07400

Ukrposhta at ul. Yuri Gagarina, 20 (Brovary 07400): Working hours, phone, reviews, mail index

st. Yuri Gagarina, 20, Brovary

Attention! We recommend checking the work schedule by phone.

Post offices nearby

    – 0.677 km – 0.808 km – 1.308 km – 1.882 km – 1.9 km – 2.254 km – 2.665 km – 2.711 km – 3.014 km – 3.395 km

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Reviews [10]

Of the last jambs of the department, one SMS of 3 comes, the operator asks the phone number and gives, respectively, one parcel instead of 3.

Change the pancake schedule of work on google cards darwal, come to the mail there a completely different schedule

What is the problem in the department on Gagarin, 20, bro? Passing but the name is not real, they do not pick up the phone.

Tatyana 20 March 2020 | 20:11
The postman Irina on the street E. Konovalz regularly loses newspapers and magazines. The foreman Nina Vasilievna constantly covers her. And only through the complaint to the hotline manages to find its correspondence. When asked why it doesn’t bring me mail, the postman replies that she has a heavy bag with newspapers in one hand, and with the other hand she cannot put my newspapers in the mailbox. It seems that the separation of the wise perfectly working for decades has turned into a bunch of inadequates who do not even understand what they are paying for their salary and what their responsibilities are

Both shifts used to work normally, since June – only one. The staff is normal, everyone knows their job. It's all about the manager who finds himself up to his subordinates, but he does not know his business. Some difficult questions cannot answer at all. I heard that they even made a person who dared to ask a difficult question, and the manager did not know the answer. And in the place of this person, a colleague who was perfectly faded to the manager. I ask the top management to pay attention to the work of the manager, if I am not mistaken, Bicus Irina.

On the phone (04594) 5-14-99 sits a sheep that rude!

I have not seen more rude and non -professional personnel. Eternally dissatisfied and lost workers who strive not to create a service, but to make maximum as much as possible and configure the client against themselves. Each time I go to the department, then at the window it is necessary either to quarrel (as a rule due to unprofessionalism of workers, or fierce mistakes of postmen). Almost constantly the search for one package takes from 5 minutes to plus infinity. There was a witness of the situation when a person was told in the following style: You say, go for a walk, and for now we will look for your parcel. And then we can’t find something. At the same time, her searches before that were conducted good 10 minutes. But these are flowers. Postmen who do not listen to requests not to throw parcels through the fence (.). At the same time, that I constantly call and ask that they say I will come and take it myself. You just notice that she came. In general, this department is a nursery of such a tough, terry and poorly smelling scoop.
And now.The package has been at the department for a week, but I have not received notifications in any form. Neither SMS, nor notifications by mail, no notice in the form of a piece of paper in a mailbox. If these Fakhivtsi will again launch a parcel worth more than a thousand hryvnias on a smooth parabola through the fence, there will be a nonsense scandal. And I promise – he will reach Kuuuda above and further than the written table, the head of the department of this sump of rudeness.

Chomu is still a considerable term for the terminal to pay without a without

Dazhe Duzhane service, Dazhe who is now praitzyuhnitniki. MAH MISTES SOO TO ROOK without a worm. Zever on Tse respect.