Kolobnev is not impressed by the bronze medal of the Olympic Games.

Kolobnev is not impressed by the bronze medal of the Olympic Games.

Kolobnev is not impressed by the bronze medal of the Olympic Games. Bicycle news – new items, reviews, popular articles, all about bicycles. Online store Provelo.ru

Kolobnev is not impressed by the bronze medal of the Olympic Games

Alexander Kolobnev took fourth place in the male highway at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, but, due to the disqualification of David Rebellin due to doping, he climbed third. On November 26, in Belgrade (Serbia), where the 39th General Assembly of the European Olympic Committee was held, the president of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge handed over to the president of the Russian Olympic Committee, Alexander Zhukov, the Bronze Medal of the 2008 Olympic Games, intended for Alexander Kolobnev. But the Russian, now playing for the Katyusha team, is not too happy.

“I will not say that this award, which I have been waiting for a long time. If it were handed to me, say, 10 days after the declaration of a positive test or disqualification of Rebellin, then we could talk about any emotions. But a year and a half has passed, so this medal has already lost its relevance. After the 2008 Games in Beijing, more time passed than left before the 2012 Olympics in London! As I understand it, in the Olympic Committee of Russia, in general, in our country, this medal does not care. It is significant for the Federation of Cycling of Russia, since in cycling we have not had Olympic medals for a long time. And for me personally – empty and freshly , – he said to Allsportinfo. ru.

He even expressed doubt that he would be present at the award ceremony: “I don't know anything about the time and place of the ceremony. I don’t even know if it is planned or not. And, to be honest, I vaguely imagine when everything can be organized. I am already preparing for a new, pre -Olympic season, and on December 1 intensive training begins. I'm not sure that I can find time to participate in such an event. Frankly, I do not experience special emotions in connection with the transmission of the coin. ”

The 29-year-old Kolobnev does not look back at the past, but prefers to look into the future. “Now all my thoughts are already connected with the next season, with the planning of the competitive season, with preparation for games in London. And the bronze of the Beijing Olympics for me has already passed the stage , – he said. He pays the attention of his specialization-spring classics, and plans to improve his second place, which he took in the Liezh-Baston-Laezh race this year.

The tests of Rebellin and his teammate of Gerolsteiner Stefan Schumacher gave a positive result on the EPO-cara at the Olympic Games. Both received disqualification at the Olympics.