RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg

RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg

RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg 0 reviews | Write a review RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg This is a high polymer acrylic primer with deep penetration into layers

RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg

RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg

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RPG Primer Acrylic primer, 2.5 kg

It is a high polymer acrylic primer with deep penetration into the layers of the material to be insulated.

Purpose and scope:

ACR 130 is used for the preliminary preparation of plaster, brick, concrete and silicate surfaces, gypsum building materials, fiber cement boards, chipboards and fibreboards, as well as flammable old coatings.


ACR 130 – well impregnates the surface and ensures the prevention of the growth of fungi and mold. ACR 130 is designed for indoor and outdoor use under ACR top coats.


ACR 130 forms an airtight film that ensures the correct evaporation of the water contained in the products that are subsequently applied to the substrate and is necessary for better adhesion. Due to the smallest size of the polymers contained in the product, the sealing of the pores occurs deep in the base, which leads to sealing and at the same time to an increase in the strength of the top layer of the base.

Foundation preparation:

The surface to be treated must be dry and clean before priming. Humidity of painted building structures should not exceed 15-18%. The temperature of the surface and air must be above +5°C, and the relative humidity of the air must be below 80%.


The ACR 130 product is a ready-to-use product. ACR 130 is applied to very porous and fragile surfaces, especially in summer at elevated air temperatures, it is recommended to dilute the product with clean water 1: 2, adding water to the primer, and not vice versa.

Application method:

ACR 130 can be applied by brush, roller or spray.


0.15–0.3 l/m2, depending on the absorbency of the surface. Primer drying time: 15 to 30 minutes at +25°C and 65% relative humidity. Subsequent coloring is allowed after 1 hour.

Precautionary measures:

Do not apply ACR 130 at temperatures below +5°C.

Cleaning tools:

Tools are washed with water until the product hardens.

Precautionary measures:

ACR 130 is water based, non-toxic and contains no chemical solvents. In case of accidental contact with the skin, it does not cause burns or irritation. When using, rubber gloves, overalls and other personal protective equipment are used. In a liquid state, the product is washed off with water and soap.

Storage conditions:

Store and transport ACR 130 at temperatures above 5°C, in tightly closed containers, protected from moisture and direct sunlight.

Shelf life:

In unopened original packaging 12 months from the date of manufacture.


ACR 130 is supplied in 2.5 kg (2.5 l) cans.

Weight indicators
The weight 25 kg

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