The best varieties of carrots, how to plant carrots – spring 2022 | – Chelyabinsk news

The best varieties of carrots, how to plant carrots – spring 2022 | – Chelyabinsk news

For the sake of record harvests: we understand how to plant carrots Large and sweet carrots are the dream of any gardener. The most experienced with this task cope easily and even manage to

For the sake of record harvests: we figure out how to plant carrots correctly

Carrots - basic vegetable for any garden

Large and sweet carrots are the dream of any gardener. The most experienced with this task cope easily and even manage to harvest twice a year. But novice summer residents inevitably face difficulties: either root crops take too long and unpredictably to sprout, or they are affected by a carrot fly. In the section “We equip the cottage”, we figure out how to avoid common mistakes and increase the chances of a rich harvest.

Choosing seeds

Should you choose ribbons, granules or single seeds for planting carrots? Each gardener will have their own answer to this question. There are pros and cons to any method.

“I am not a supporter of all kinds of tapes, stickers,” admits experimental vegetable grower Nikolai Alexandrov. – I have very large seeds, and I plant immediately with seeds. There is a special device for this. Even if two or three seeds fall into the hole, it's not scary. Then you pull the carrots, and that's it.

But gardener Lyubov Ponomareva, on the contrary, prefers seeds on a ribbon.

In such a tape, the seeds are already located at a certain distance from each other

In such a tape, the seeds are already located at a certain distance from each other.

Photo: Daria Pona

– You buy this tape, you cover it with earth. You can immediately see how much you fell asleep, – the gardener shares. “And why else do I take the tape?” If planted with seeds, then carrots need to be thinned out. And when thinned, an odor is released that attracts carrot flies. They fly to this smell and immediately lay their larvae. And when I plant with tape, I never thin out the carrots. The distance has already been maintained there. Plus, the tape itself is moisture-absorbing. You've watered it, and the tape holds moisture.

Ribbon can be of different lengths. Consider this when buying

Tapes can be of different lengths. Consider this when buying

Photo: Daria Pona

There is another option for landing – granules. Usually in the groove they are placed at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other. The advantage of this method is that the granule is larger than loose carrot seeds, and the chances of planting too densely are reduced.

It is more convenient to plant granules, but there is a minus - it takes time to destroy this shell around the seed

It is more convenient to plant granules, but there is also a minus – it takes time for this shell around the seed to collapse

Photo: Daria Pona

We are not afraid of experiments

Germination, taste, shelf life of the crop – this is what you should pay attention to when choosing varieties.

– A constant and often insoluble task for the gardener is which variety to choose when it is planned to plant vegetables in the coming season. Choosing a variety or hybrid of carrots is as difficult as tomato, cucumber, pepper, says an experienced gardener Nadezhda Chernenko. “Windows of garden shops, advice from friends, commercials and notes in garden publications – everything is taken into account.The novelties of selection delight the eyes and give hope that the vitamin vegetable will become a certain extent at the same time tasty and natural medicine.

Experience and experiments will help you choose the right option. The latter should not be afraid. After all, this is the only way to find your ideal option.

Carrots can be yellow, reddish, and even purple

Carrots can be yellow, reddish, and even purple

Photo: Daria Pono

Let it not scare you

Let it not scare you

Photo: Daria Pono

“Both tasty and healthy varieties and hybrids are useful with an unusual color for carrots – almost purple,” says Nadezhda Chernenko. – The appearance of the root crops is unusual for the gardener, but they are very useful, since in addition to carotenoids they contain anti -Socialists with antioxidant properties. In the conditions of the modern world, it is precisely vegetables and fruits with dark coloring that reach priority positions.

An important point is that all free beds should be given under experiments. Give the main area already proven varieties.

We carefully read the descriptions

“The varieties tested by time and weather conditions are still in demand:“ Queen of Autumn ”,“ Forto ”,“ Nanskaya ”,“ Vitamin ”,“ Losinoostrovskaya, ”Nadezhda Chernenko lists the gardener. – There are varieties that are common almost everywhere. The most famous of these carrots of the “Nanskaya” variety. Her taste is perfect, it is believed that no other variety can be compared with it. And it is also fruitful and can be stored until February. Today, the seeds of the Chance variety immediately diverge from the sale. It is stored for a long time, and tasty and harvesting – exactly the chance to close the need for carrots for the long winter months. For many, the Forto variety with sweet and juicy fruits is popular, which are perfectly stored until spring.

Not surprising if your eyes scatter in the store

Not surprising if your eyes scatter in the store

Photo: Daria Pono

There are really a lot of carrot varieties. Descriptions will help in search of ideal for your garden

There are really a lot of carrot varieties. Descriptions will help in search of ideal for your garden

Photo: Daria Pono

To take into account when choosing, the soil features on your site are important.

“The yield guarantees precisely the soil attractive to carrots,” explains the gardener Nadezhda Chernenko. -For example, the Vitamin 6 carrot variety perceives peat bog and mineralized soils well. The characteristic of this variety indicates that the core is small and is practically merged with delicate sugar flesh in color. This feature is relevant for those who consider it mandatory to remove the core, since it is believed that it is in a large number that nitrates accumulate in a large number – by analogy with the cabbage.

Deviation time

Most prefer to sow carrots on a garden plot in the spring, although the summer residents have a little more time – until the end of June. The main thing here to immediately decide on the goals. If you want to get root vegetables for use at once, then choose early ripe varieties. If you prefer to make reserves for the winter, then late -ripening.

Do not forget to soak

Before planting, carrot seeds are advised to soak, and there are several ways here. Some gardeners recommend holding them in hot (order) water for 35–40 minutes, then dry and send to the beds. Others are sent to vodka for 15 minutes, then washed with clean water, dried and planted.

“The meaning is: Carrots have an oily seed structure,” explains Gardener Love Ponomarev. – In order to destroy these oils and give the seed to germinate faster, use certain techniques. Someone advises using hot water, someone peroxide. There are a lot of ways. Because of the oils, carrots are rushing for a long time. The same story with parsley.

Carefully choose neighbors

Gardener Ponomarev Love Ponomarev prefers carrots right next to the bow.

– First, I plant onions – after 20 centimeters, and between the bulbs I put the ribbons with carrots. It turns out that on the beds carrots – onions – carrots – onions. Why is that? Because carrots drive away the onion fly, and the onion drives the carrot fly, ”says the gardener. “So they help each other.”

We harvest twice a year

Nikolai Aleksandrov prefers to plant a vegetable surveyor to be planted with his own hands with his own hand. He removes the crop of carrots twice a year. And who will refuse this at the current prices for vegetables?

– In June, I will remove the crop if I put it in the fall. And if in June I put it again, then in September I rent a second harvest, ”explains Nikolai Alexandrov. – It’s better to have your own seeds. I am a supporter of harvesting the seeds itself for the future, and not wait and not hope for uncle.

This option is not for the lazy, but the effect is worth it.

“Carrots on the seeds must be planted with root crop,” says the vegetable breeder. – In the spring you plant the root crop, it gives an umbrella. You cut this umbrella, peel, separate the seeds from the ruff, and they turn out to be clean. Then you can plant them in the fall and in the spring – as you want.