Sportsha: In the SEAD, volleyball competitions and crosses will host | Southeast courier

Sportsha: In the SEAD, volleyball competitions and crosses will host | Southeast courier

Cross in the park to take part in light athletics competitions “Cross Nations” invites the Center for Physical Education and Sports of the SEAO. It will be held on September 19 at 12.00 in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. Those who wish will be able to pass the standards of the TRP for running. To do this, you need to register in advance on the website and get a certificate-trip from a doctor. Tourist rally on the 2nd South Porto District Competitions among sports families “Tourist Silet” as part of the “The whole family for health” will be held on September 19 at 11.00 at the inter-school stadium of school No. 2129 (2nd southern port pr., 11, p. 1) . Volleyball in the Kozhukhovo gym of volleyball lovers are waiting on September 27 at 11.00 in the sports hall Kozhukhovo (2nd South-Portable Ave. 19, building 1). There will be the games of district volleyball competitions as part of the Sports for everyone. The entrance for the fans is free. Details and full schedule of all sporting events on the website www. Passyuvao.rf .. All the details on the news portal of the Northern District of Moscow

Sportsha: In the SEAD, volleyball competitions and crosses will be held in

Sportsha: In the SEAD, volleyball competitions and crosses will be held in

The Center for Physical Education and Sports of the Swevo invites you to take part in the athletics competitions “Cross Nations”. It will be held on September 19 at 12.00 in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow. Those who wish will be able to pass the standards of the TRP for running. To do this, you need to register in advance on the website and get a certificate-trip from a doctor.

Tourist rally on the 2nd South Port

District competitions among sports families “Tourist Site” in the framework of the sports day “The whole family for health” will be held on September 19 at 11.00 at the inter-school stadium of school No. 2129 (2nd South-Portable pr., P. 1).

Volleyball in the gym Kozhukhovo

Volleyball lovers are waiting on September 27 at 11.00 in the sports hall Kozhukhovo (2nd South-port Ave. 19, building 1). There will be the games of district volleyball competitions as part of the Sports for everyone. The entrance for the fans is free.