Press conference to remember … On the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory – the Agency of Social Information – 05/04/2022, 13: 00, Moscow

Press conference to remember … On the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory – the Agency of Social Information – 05/04/2022, 13: 00, Moscow

The press conference “To be remembered … for the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory” a press conference in the MIA “Russia Today” is dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War

Press conference To be remembered … to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory

The press conference in the MIA Russia Today has been dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The more time passes after the war, the more obvious the enormous world-historical significance of the Great Victory becomes.


  • Yuri Nikiforov, member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Military Historical Society
  • Stanislav Aristov, Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Sergey Verigin, Doctor of Historical Sciences

On May 9, on the day of the Great Victory, we recall the feat of Soviet soldiers who defended Europe and the world from the “brown plague”, recall all those who forged victory on the battlefield and in the rear, as well as those who fell victim to a large -scale Nazi terror, launched on the territory of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany and its minions. Since coming to power, the Nazis used concentration camps as one of the key management mechanisms. Dahau, Maidanek or Auschwitz are known around the world, while similar institutions in the occupied territory of the Soviet Union remained unknown to either scientists or the general public.

The monograph by Stanislav Aristov “Terra Incognita. The system of Nazi concentration camps in the occupied territory of the USSR (1941–1944) ”tells about this page of the Nazi destruction policy. These concentration camps were considered by the Nazis as a place of concentration and destruction of the “subhuman”-first of all, Jews and Slavs, who did not have the right to any concessions in the regime.