Past events

Past events

Articles about past tournaments, championships, matches, championships, games and competitions

Without Kevordo

Basketball Veterans Fund of Moscow

Masters Basketball Fund of Moscow

Founded in 1995


Past events

Open Women's basketball tournament among veterans,

dedicated to the holiday Day of National Unity

Traditional international basketball tournament among veterans,

dedicated to the defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow

80 years have passed since the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow in December 1941. In honor of this significant date, the Basketball Veterans Fund of Moscow and Moskomport held the twentieth international basketball tournament among veterans.

On December 11 and 12, 2021, eight men's teams took part in the competitions held in the SSHOR TRINA and prizes were distributed as follows:

Men (category 50+):

3. Moscow region

4. Samara region.

Men (category 60+):

All these years, tournaments have been held by the honored coach of the USSR and Russia V. Bashkirova and Naydenov S.M., and in the award of the winners participated: ATR, Olympic champion Gomelsky E.Ya. and the ZTR, the ZMS of the USSR Voronin G., as well as about the Limpian champions and the world champions among veterans: Volnukhina L.S. and Ushankova V.S.

10.11 and December 12, 2021, a women's basketball tournament among veterans, in which five women's teams in category 45+ took part in the following places: took part in the SK Territory.

4.5. Dream (Chelyabinsk), Arkhangelsk.

Open Basketball Tournament among veterans,

dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the first summer Spartakiad of the peoples of the USSR

From August 20 to 22, 2021, the International Open Open Basketball Tournament among veterans dedicated to the City Day and the 65th anniversary of the I year of the USSR of the USSR of the USSR of 1956 was held in the SSHOR TRINA Moskomport. It was attended by 11 teams in three age categories from Moscow and regions of Russia, as well as a team of Minsk from the Republic of Belarus.

The winners of the tournament, held within three days in 2 gaming halls, were teams: Moscow Region (50+), Minsk (60+) and Nizhny Novgorod (70+).

The distribution of prizes among the commands is indicated on 3 attached tables.

Photo of the ceremonial opening of the tournament, which was made with songs by the People's Artist of Russia Rinat Ibragimov, episodes of matches, performances of the dance group of support, the solemn closure of the tournament and awards by cups, medals, memorable prizes of the best players of each team, including the image of the anniversary date of the Spartakiad, and Separate gifts of the Department of Sports of the city of Moscow are presented below for each participant in the tournament.

The Honored Coach of Russia, the Olympic champion, a member of the Glory Hall of FIBA ​​Evgeny Yakovlevich Gomelsky, constantly providing assistance to the Basketball Veterans to the organization and conduct of Russian tournaments, as well as the Honored Coach of Russia Nikolai Fedorovich Bashkirov, awarded all participants. Both Russia and Commissioner Fiba, chief judge of the tournament Mikhail Abramovich Lokshin.


Open Basketball Tournament among veterans,

dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

In the period from May 14 to May 15, 2021, a basketball tournament with the participation of teams from different cities of Russia, as well as the Belarusian team from Minsk, took place at the Trinta SSHOR.

The composition of 8 teams with a total number of more than 165 people was players-veterans and coaches of men's basketball in the age categories 55+ and 65+.

Within 2 days, winners and winners were identified.

The final places were distributed as follows:

1st place – Belarus,

2nd place – Yekaterinburg,

3rd place – Samara,

4th place – Moscow.

1st place – Moscow,

2nd place – Yekaterinburg,

3rd place-St. Petersburg,

The winners, winners and participants in the tournament were awarded medals, cups of winners and winners, commemorative cups, personal prizes of the best team players. After the award, the ceremonial closure of the tournament was held.

The celebrations of the opening and closing of the tournament were attended by: Honored Coach of the RSFSR Evgeny Gomelsky, world and European champions, Honored Masters of Sports Galina Voronin and Vladimir Zhigili, Chairman of the Organizing Committee Sergey Naydenov.

Open Basketball Tournament among veterans,

dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow

The 20th anniversary basketball tournament among veterans, dedicated to the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow 1941, was held in Moscow in SDYUSSHOR No. 22 Gloria, from December 11 to 13, 2020.

The tournament was attended by 6 teams of the age category 50-55+, from St. Petersburg, Samara, Yekaterinburg, the Central Federal District, the Moscow Region and Moscow.

The tournament was held during the restrictions on sporting events without spectators, without opening and closing, with the obligatory provision of a certificate of negative Covid-19, and, also, wearing masks and gloves.

But despite all the prohibitions and restrictions – the tournament took place.

Before the start of the games, the chief judge and representative of the organizing committee congratulated players and coaches on the 79th anniversary of the defeat of the German-fascist troops near Moscow and the Russian anthem was listened to.

Players, trainers and teams were presented with gifts and anniversary programs. All participants in the tournament were provided with mineral water, masks and gloves.

The games took place in a tense struggle, interesting and spectacular, in a real friendly environment. During the games, photo and video was made.

The teams held three games and, following the tournament, the team became the team from St. Petersburg “Avia-Triumph”, coach S. Kuznetsov, head of I. Assament.

The second place was taken by the Moscow team, the third place is the CFO team.

The teams were awarded the cups for I, II, III places, players and coaches with medals and prizes.

The tournament video can be viewed in the playlist of the FVBM channel on YouTube, go

Open basketball tournament among veterans,

dedicated to the City Day of Moscow

From September 11 to September 13, 2020, the Open Basketball Tournament among veterans dedicated to the City Day was held at the Sports School of the Olympic Reserve (SSOR Trinta) in Moscow, organized and conducted by the Basketball Veterans Foundation of Moscow (General Director Sergei Mikhailovich Naidenov) under support of the Department of Sports of Moscow (Moskomsport).

In connection with the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, as the Great Holiday of the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. was postponed in our country from May 9, and the veterans tournament dedicated to this date was not held on May 9, so the competitions in honor of this Great Victory were organized and held as part of the City Day tournament.

12 teams took part in the Tournament: 8 men's teams of basketball veterans – in the age categories of 55 years and older (55+) and 65+, representing the teams of Moscow, St. 4 women's teams (45+) representing Moscow, Tyumen, Perm and St. Petersburg. The results and final places in the tournament are given below. The games were held, as usual, in a tense uncompromising struggle, with a high level of refereeing, which was specially noted by representatives of each team at the closing of the tournament, who at the same time emphasized that it was thanks to excellent refereeing that the players avoided injuries.

On the first day, September 11, 6 matches were played. The men's matches in the 55+ category turned out to be especially tense, where the St. Petersburg team Avia-Triumph defeated the team Moscow-2 with a difference of 4 points, in the women's category 45+, the Muscovites MBA won only 2 points against the St. Petersburg New Arena, and in the meeting of men's teams 65+ everything was decided 2 seconds before the end of the match, when the player of the Moscow team punched two free throws and missed both times, and as a result, the CFD team won with a difference of one point and advanced to the final. According to the results of the matches of the first day of the competition, the finalists and teams that competed for third places were determined.

On Saturday, September 12, there were games for 3rd place. In women, the team from Tyumen was able to win against the Novaya Arena and only in extra time, in overtime (OT) with a score of 54:53. In men 55+ in the match for 3rd place, also in a bitter struggle, the team Moscow-2 beat the team Moscow again with a minimum difference in the score – 44:42. Then there was the grand opening of the tournament and a concert-theatrical performance, which was hosted by the announcer of the Central Television, People's Artist of the RSFSR Anna Nikolaevna Shatilova. She called to the site for the solemn opening ceremony of the tournament of honored guests and gave everyone the floor: the coach of the women's team of the country-champion of the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona, ​​a member of the Hall

Glory to FIBA, Honored Coach of the RSFSR Evgeny Gomelsky, World and European Champion, Honored Master of Sports Galina Voronina, Honored Coach of Russia Nikolai Bashkirov and FIBA ​​Commissioner, chief referee of the tournament Mikhail Lokshin.

On the last, third day of the tournament, September 13, 2020, the games began with the final match between the women's teams MBA (Moscow) and Krasava (Perm), in which MBA won and won 1st place in the tournament. Then men's teams 65+ Moscow against Kazan entered the court in the fight for 3rd place. Basketball players from the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan won. Moreover, the oldest participant of the tournament, who turned 81 years old, Vladimir Zaglyadinov, who played under No. 15, acted as part of the Kazan team, and immediately, having entered the game, he made two successful successful throws in a row. To be honest, I couldn’t believe it at his age, he moved so easily and played skillfully, on a par with almost 20 years younger players on both teams! In the two remaining final matches among men, teams with the same names CFD and Avia-Triumph met in the age categories 55+ and 65+. And both matches were won by teams from St. Petersburg. And if Avia-Triumph won in the 65+ category with an impressive gap in the match of 25 points, then Avia-Triumph 55+, leading the score throughout the game (the gap in points was more than 10 points every quarter), slightly did not miss the victory: 7 seconds before the end of the match, two leading players of the CFD team scored two 3-point goals in a row into the ring of rivals, and the last one simultaneously with the siren, which made it possible to set the final score 60:59, only 1 one in favor of St. Petersburgers! As part of the latter, Vagapov, master of sports of international class, was recognized as the best player of the match. The team prizes of both Avia-Triumph teams, the winners of the tournament, were taken over by their captain Igor Aksamentov.

During the breaks of all matches, the players and other participants of the tournament were treated to a support group – the dance group Fair Stars, as well as the singer Svetlana Smirnova, who pleased with songs from the military repertoire.

At the awards ceremony, medals and cups were awarded to all participants of the tournament, as well as personal prizes were awarded to the best players of each team in each age category – MVP of the tournament.

The awards were presented by Nikolai Bashkirov, Honored Coach of Russia, Executive Director of the Moscow Basketball Veterans Fund, Honorary President of the Basketball Federation of Armenia, one of the organizers of the tournament, Pogosyan Karen and FIBA ​​Commissioner, Chief Referee of the competition Mikhail Lokshin.

The closing of the tournament and a bright dance show performance were conducted by the announcer of the Central Television Kochergin Evgeny Alexandrovich, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

After that, the teams and other participants and honored guests of the tournament went by car to the restaurant of the Berlin Hotel for the final festive dinner.

The results of the matches and the results (according to the regulations, the matches lasted – each quarter was 8 minutes, extra time was 3 minutes, so the performance in the games should not be surprising):