It is proposed to forbid bookmakers to accept bets on the results of youth sports competitions

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It is proposed to forbid bookmakers to accept bets on the results of youth sports competitions

Conducting gambling for official children and youth sports competitions can prohibit

Deputies of the State Duma make such an initiative Yaroslav Nilov, Mikhail Degtyarev and Igor Lebedev. Today they introduced the corresponding bill 1 to the lower house of parliament.

The document is proposed to ban the organizers of the gambling in bookmakers and totalizers to accept bets and organize a bet on official children and youth sports competitions.

The developers of the initiative note that among minor athletes the psyche is less stable than in an adult, and the boundaries of the permitted partially blurred. This increases the risk of the readiness of minor athletes to play in matches with a predetermined result, and gives birth to criminals to use sports competitions for children and youth sports teams in their selfish interests, parliamentarians emphasize.

In the case of approval of the bill to the centers of accounting for transfers of interactive bets of bookmakers or totalizers, it will be forbidden to take money (both ordinary and electronic) from citizens and transfer it to the organizer of gambling in the bookmaker to official children and youth sports competitions.

It is expected that the adoption of the initiative will prevent the possibility of organizing contractual matches between children and youth sports teams.