SKA-1946 ”For the first time became the champion of the Youth Hockey League. Michkov was scored by the victorious Lapross Gol – Sport – News of St. Petersburg.

SKA-1946 ”For the first time became the champion of the Youth Hockey League. Michkov was scored by the victorious Lapross Gol – Sport – News of St. Petersburg.

SKA-1946 first became the champion of the Youth Hockey League. Michkov scored the victorious Lapross-Gol goals for SKA-1946 was scored by Ivan Demidov (2 minutes), Ilya Ivantsov (28) and Matvey Michkov (48). Note,

SKA-1946 first became the champion of the Youth Hockey League. Michkov scored the victorious Lapross Gol

The goals for SKA-1946 were scored by Ivan Demidov (2 minutes), Ilya Ivantsov (28) and Matvey Michkov (48). Note that Michkov scored in the style of Lapross – in a rather rare and beautiful way, when the player at the gate picks up the puck, lifts it and sends it to the upper corner.

The opponent answered this with the washers of Sergey Shamsshurin (44) and Yegor Kuzminov (49).

Thus, SKA-1946 won the final series with a score of 4–2 and for the first time in history became the owner of the Kharlamov Cup-the main prize of the Youth Hockey League.

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