Shelekhov Rockfest | Photo reports | Irkutsk news: economics, sports, medicine, culture, incidents

On June 12, the inhabitants of Shelekhov celebrated Russia Day in the city park. There was a regional festival of rock groups.

Shelekhov Rockfest

Especially at the festival, the Angdna group came from the Angarsk concert Fire show from the show group Shanakhi Pavel Tomashevsky, organizer of the festival

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On June 12, the inhabitants of Shelekhov celebrated Russia Day in the city park. There was a regional festival of rock groups.

The festival in the park has already become a tradition – this year it passed for the sixth time. The local group of Tour de Force, “Master and Margarita” and “Tornado” from Usolya-Sibirsky, “Abyss” from Angarsk and the Irkutsk teams “Feble”, “Shaddai” and “Class Jeans” performed on the stage. The Fire show concert from the Shanakh group ended.

Photo author – Artem Moiseev

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