True Ural Federal District | Information agency – district online newspaper

True Ural Federal District | Information agency – district online newspaper

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The Central Committee Finance disrupts the housing and communal services concession in Revda, and the governor is called to the courts with Hungarian partners

UBRD beat off the claims of Olympus Corporation for half a billion. The Japanese pointed to an attempt to enrich themselves and sanctions

The stable heat supply of Revda was under threat due to the conflict between the United Heat Supply Company and the city administration and a financial partner. The mayor's office refused to pay the grantor's fee, despite the acceptance of the work performed by the concessionaire. The argument was the alleged failure to fulfill financial obligations to a partner - the Central Committee Finance created by the regional authorities, which provided loans for the implementation of the housing and communal services modernization project. In turn, the concessionaire, which, moreover, has the status of a single heat supply organization in Revda, indicates a gross disregard for the terms of cooperation with the creditor, which was controlled by foreign investors. In response to the requests of the United Heat Supply Company to settle financial issues, the Finance Central Committee responded with an attempt to start the procedure for changing the concessionaire. Representatives of the regional Ministry of State Property and the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities were extremely surprised by these actions. Now officials, together with lawyers, are trying to figure out the reasons for the sharp change in relations with the concessionaire and the beneficiaries behind it in the courts.

Relatives of the head of WIS Doev are strengthening in London, and the top manager is mastering budget billions


The Tyumen Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will pay Aragatsstroy for non-existent housing. Families of employees will be placed in rented apartments

The person involved in the case of embezzlement created a feeding trough from the assets of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Traces of gray schemes found in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod

POVV Chelyabinsk dumps feces with biowaste into Miass. The region did not receive the billion promised by Texler for the reconstruction of the WWTP

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Gazprombank came to the defense of the oil business accused of spending billions of dollars. DIA State Corporation demanded an explanation


Gazprombank came to the defense of the oil business accused of spending billions of dollars. DIA State Corporation demanded an explanation

Bankruptcy proceedings around the structure of Exillon Energy in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Kayum Neft, which fiscal officials associate with the ex-owner of Yugra Bank Alexei Khotin and the Rus-Oil holding accused of multibillion-dollar embezzlement, led to a conflict between Gazprombank and the DIA state corporation. The latter, representing the bankrupt bank Yugra in the case, announced claims against the oil workers for tens of billions and achieved the recognition of the company from Nyagan as bankrupt. Gazprombank, on the contrary, announced the possibility of a rehabilitation procedure, referred to the extremely negative consequences of liquidating a business, especially in the current geopolitical situation. At the same time, Yugra Bank spoke out against the large financial demands of Gazprombank, pointing to alleged signs of “intra-group financing”. Questions also arose about the likely transfer of rights of claims for hundreds of millions to the affiliated Yukatex-Yugra, to which, according to the Federal Tax Service, the production assets of Kayum Neft were transferred. While the bankers are sorting out their positions in bankruptcy, the fiscals continue to knock out funds from the structures associated with Khotin, and the interests of the same Gazprombank and offshore representatives emerge in conflicts. So, the next requirements for almost half a billion were presented to Nam Oil.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

European partners disrupt the Sverdlovsk concession for 3.5 billion. Budget money settled in the Hungarian Pole

In the Sverdlovsk region, the implementation of a major concession support project has begun. After the arrival of the Hungarian investor, the Central Committee Finance, created to support communal projects, has dramatically changed its position in relations with concessionaires. So, in Rezh, where, as part of the housing and communal services modernization project for 3.5 billion, the possibility of providing guarantees on bank loans from Finance was considered, the company hardly agreed to issue a direct loan of 10.5 million rubles.At the same time, the interlocutors of the publication note, on the advice of its representatives, “an additional agreement appeared for the concession, under which the city administration sent funds to the concessionaire “ETK g. Rezh” without confirming the volume of work performed.” The grantor's payment of a hundred million almost immediately flowed over to the Hungarian general contractor Polyus hired by the concessionaire. However, work stalled already at the design stage due to an attempt to coordinate the installation of expensive American equipment. Officials, together with the prosecutor's office, urgently turned to the courts in the hope of returning the budget money that had settled with a foreign contractor, probably associated with the Finance Central Committee. Representatives of the legal community indicate, among other things, possible violations of the law, which may well lead to the initiation of criminal cases, but this depends on the activity of municipal and regional officials.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Komarova will be reported on the destruction on the Remdorstroy highway in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug for a billion, while the office is mastering new state money

With pomp, a four-lane Category I highway between two cities in Yugra, Sovetsky and Yugorsk, opened in 2014, is being destroyed, barely reaching half of its estimated service life. The route, worth about a billion rubles, according to the original idea, was supposed to significantly increase the transport, logistics and economic potential of the left bank of the Ob and give impetus to the development of local manufacturers. However, as a result, the road artery permanently becomes the subject of inspections of supervision and sharp criticism from carriers and private motorists. Serious defects annually pose a threat of fatal accidents and result in orders to the contractor – the infamous Remdorstroy company from Sovetsky. But the situation, according to observers, does not change, and the left side of the highway is of particular concern, the destruction of which may become critical in the foreseeable future. While activists and residents of the region are trying to draw the attention of relevant officials of the district to what is happening, Remdorstroy itself continues to replenish its multi-billion dollar portfolio of government contracts with new large contracts.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

SW landfill exploded another environmental bomb near Chelyabinsk

Residents of the village of Poletaevo near Chelyabinsk, where they just extinguished a multi-day fire at the largest landfill in the region, associate the emergency with possible arson. According to regional eco-experts, this practice is very common and can be used either to eliminate unaccounted-for waste volumes or to free up landfill space. According to another, more likely version, the fire is endogenous and occurred due to a violation of the rules for the operation of the MSW disposal facility. While the amount of damage and exact data on the amount of MSW burnt are unknown, however, the incident can lead to far-reaching consequences.Most likely, inside the thickness of the landfill, which stretches over tens of hectares, smoldering garbage could already begin, which is almost impossible to stop. As the practice of the city dump in Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk shows, a smoldering landfill can become a constant problem for local residents. According to ecologists, combustion will be accompanied by regular emissions of dioxide into the atmosphere, the substance is a strong carcinogen and tends to accumulate in the human body. Thus, the residents of Chelyabinsk and its environs received another strong source of air pollution.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The population of the city of LUKOIL demands heat and water from the authorities. The contractor of the failed project refused to work with the mayor's office of Uray

The improvement of one of the promising residential areas of Uray, which has been underway for several years, has once again been postponed without specifying specific dates. Residents of the Yuzhny microdistrict have not been able to get the developer and the authorities to fulfill their obligations for improvement, which include the provision of gas and water supply. Without the necessary resources, about a hundred residential buildings remain, where privileged categories of the population also live. According to the interlocutors of the publication, in all likelihood, “the authorities of the municipality, signing an agreement with the developer, in whose staff there is only one person,” could not assess the risks for the implementation of the project for the integrated development of the territory. Currently, the deadline for fulfilling contractual obligations has already expired, and at the same time, the developer does not intend to prolong relations with the mayor's office and complete work at the facility. Rostekhnadzor also expressed its position: due to numerous violations, the department does not give permission to transfer already built networks to municipal ownership. At the same time, city officials were not ready to bring a new round of conflict to the public plane, preferring, according to observers, to settle the issue quietly. Concerned, probably, with new spending of the budget, the deputies have already prepared appeals to the federal center and demand activity from the investigative committee and prosecutors.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

UBRD beat off the claims of Olympus Corporation for half a billion. The Japanese pointed to an attempt to enrich themselves and sanctions

The resonant conflict around the equipment of the Japanese corporation Olympus, inherited by the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, has taken a new turn. The first instance, recognizing the fact of illegal use of trademarks, partially satisfied the requirements of a foreign organization that advocated a ban on the sale of goods and the recovery of hundreds of millions of rubles from bankers. The appeal overturned that decision. The court pointed out that the existence of damages was not proven, and the actions of the foreign company itself were, apparently, aimed not at protecting their rights as a copyright holder, but at enriching themselves at the expense of the defendant.In addition, the appeal noted that when introducing a ban on the sale of original products recognized as parallel imports, the good faith of the parties to the conflict and the existence of a “reasonable economic interest” should be assessed. In the actions of Olympus Corporation, the arbitration, in turn, considered direct and indirect signs of bad faith, recalling in parallel the dangerous “sanctions practice”. Now UBRD representatives are talking about the possibility of selling the equipment after the new decision, while lawyers do not exclude the possibility of the case going to cassation and point to an increase in the number of cases with foreign organizations.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The assets of the ex-deputy Sobyanin in Tyumen are promised bankruptcy. Farmers declare double standards

New financial claims against the infamous complex agricultural enterprise from the Isetsky district of the Tyumen region have returned to the agenda the conflict, the roots of which have a long history. A company with a base in the village of Shorokhovo, which specialized in animal husbandry, several years ago found itself at the epicenter of an outbreak of African swine fever, which received a federal response. As a result, the entire livestock was forcibly destroyed, since then the large employer of the municipality has not been able to restore production, mired in courts with officials. The companies refused to pay compensation for the destroyed animals, and, moreover, they were forced to pay to the budget the funds spent on eliminating the consequences of the epizootic. Observers are currently speculating about possible attempts to bankrupt the company, controlled by the former deputy of Sergei Sobyanin, in order to avoid multimillion-dollar payments. However, the interlocutors of the agency, close to the management of Complex, deny these intentions and talk about double standards in the agro-industrial complex, citing the example of the state-owned poultry farm Borovskaya with its numerous violations of the law, the production of which, nevertheless, is being revived at the expense of the budget after bird flu outbreaks.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Chelyabinskgrazhdanstroy does not predict the completion of housing in the Kurchatov district. A thousand families do not understand the prospects

IC Chelyabinskgrazhdanstroy cannot decide on the timing of the completion of the construction of microdistrict No. 45 in the Kurchatovsky district of Chelyabinsk. The company speaks with some confidence about the completion of two high-rise buildings that are at a high stage of readiness for hundreds of apartments. For three more buildings, designed for about a thousand apartments, representatives of the developer cannot even predict the completion time. At the same time, the CHS undertook the obligation to build a kindergarten, the need for which is extremely acute in the district. However, according to experts, it will be difficult at present to fulfill plans for commissioning objects, including due to the increased requirements of banks for borrowers and falling consumer demand.For the ChHS, the situation is noticeably complicated by the conflict of owners who have poured into clashes with suppliers of building materials, including the largest manufacturer of concrete panels in the region, on which the developer projects are oriented. So far, instead of settling relations, the parties argue in the courts due to sales of building materials for hundreds of millions of rubles. In parallel, the owners of the CHS surrounding the claims registered a new legal entity, but here they were faced with opposition to the previous management of the company.
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The prosecutor’s office and the Khanty -Mansi Autonomous Okrug were powerless in front of the officials of the Sovetsky district. Consumers were obliged to pay for dirty water

The authorities of the Soviet district “do not plan to solve the problem of perennial supplies to the population of the technical resource instead of pure drinking water” – so the local residents and representatives of the public interpreted the position of officials after the decision of the district administration to challenge the requirement to reconstruct and build water treatment facilities in 7 settlements. Meanwhile, the Office of Rospotrebnadzor for Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra once again stated that the quality of the water, for which residents of almost all settlements of the municipality are paid as for a drinking resource, did not meet the requirements of the law, and the last year worsened even more. The long -term practice of checks initiated by the Ugra public chamber has not yet been forced to both the previous authorities and the new head of Yevgeny Burenkov, at least begin to solve one of the most acute problems. At the same time, there is no impression on officials and controlled by the city halls of the Soviet Dieselovodokanal Communal Enterprise do neither the requirements of the prosecutor's office or the court decision. However, today the interlocutors of the publication are confident that the perseverance of managers will cost unnecessary expenses of the district budget, and for now, observers are indulging in the arguments: “What interests of which municipality the head of the Soviet district represented when he promised to fight for the rights of the population during the inauguration?”
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The Zemsky Teacher did not help Shumkov keep education in the Trans -Urals. The region quickly loses both the population and teachers

In the Kurgan region, tension in the field of education is growing. The regional government promises to finance the social sphere for three years for more than 35 billion rubles, but at the same time, the personnel policy, the organization of the educational process and the quality of the knowledge gained do not withstand critics. The population complains of the unsatisfactory state of schools, lack of places and teachers. Social activists claim that the Zemsky Teacher program, perhaps the only one in the region that can attract teachers, actually fails. The desire to get a million is inferior to the lack of prospects for life in the village. The subordinates of the governor Vadim Shumkov in official speeches do not consider the lack of teachers an acute problem, each time promising that soon the need for teachers will be closed.However, the situation is only getting worse. According to observers, “the lack of teachers, as well as full-fledged schools, makes quality education virtually inaccessible,” and, first of all, we are talking about rural children. The interlocutors of the publication, close to the educational system, point out that the systemic problems of the social sphere significantly exacerbate the process of extinction of the village in the region.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

In the Airports of the Regions they do not talk about the sale, but the unions are already suggesting nationalization

Yekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport has begun laying off employees amid promises by the Russian government to compensate for the operating costs of air harbors that are losing passenger traffic due to the closure of the country's southern airports. Representatives of trade unions speak of the actions of the leadership of the Airports of Regions holding as a political provocation, since the optimization of the state is carried out simultaneously with the president's promises to preserve jobs. In addition, workers' rights advocates raise questions about the effectiveness of the airport holding's management team, as well as the possible nationalization of airports throughout Russia previously sold to Viktor Vekselberg. In this situation, the aviation market participants argue that the businessman's subordinates, to some extent, have specific guidelines in which the company prepares assets for sale. Sources from the aviation services market do not exclude that Vekselberg will completely abandon airport activities, concentrating on more profitable sectors of the economy. Moreover, they can sell not a single property complex, but individual assets. The reason is that the management of the company has frankly unprofitable sites that generate losses and are not in demand among investors. Experts call Koltsovo airport the first contender for sale.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Russian Chrome spoiled the statistics of T Plus in the Sverdlovsk region

The debts of residents of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region for energy resources to the structures of PJSC T Plus are approaching 20 billion rubles. The most problematic consumers of energy are municipal enterprises of housing and communal services and the Russian Chrome 1915 Group of Companies, which have increased their debt to almost a billion rubles over the year. If the former do not pay due to the strong insufficiency of the tariff and, as a result, underfunding, then the industrial enterprise, as the power engineers assure, has taken a conscious position of non-payments. At the same time, the money frozen in receivables hinders the increase in funding for repair and investment programs. Thus, in Yekaterinburg alone, the annual volume of investments in the heating network infrastructure is estimated at approximately 3 billion rubles. Market participants note that it is especially important now to collect debt against the backdrop of rising prices for materials and the need to squeeze investments.However, the situation is only getting worse. According to observers, “the lack of teachers, as well as full-fledged schools, makes quality education virtually inaccessible,” and, first of all, we are talking about rural children. The interlocutors of the publication, close to the educational system, point out that the systemic problems of the social sphere significantly exacerbate the process of extinction of the village in the region.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

In the Airports of the Regions they do not talk about the sale, but the unions are already suggesting nationalization

Yekaterinburg Koltsovo Airport has begun laying off employees amid promises by the Russian government to compensate for the operating costs of air harbors that are losing passenger traffic due to the closure of the country's southern airports. Representatives of trade unions speak of the actions of the leadership of the Airports of Regions holding as a political provocation, since the optimization of the state is carried out simultaneously with the president's promises to preserve jobs. In addition, workers' rights advocates raise questions about the effectiveness of the airport holding's management team, as well as the possible nationalization of airports throughout Russia previously sold to Viktor Vekselberg. In this situation, the aviation market participants argue that the businessman's subordinates, to some extent, have specific guidelines in which the company prepares assets for sale. Sources from the aviation services market do not exclude that Vekselberg will completely abandon airport activities, concentrating on more profitable sectors of the economy. Moreover, they can sell not a single property complex, but individual assets. The reason is that the management of the company has frankly unprofitable sites that generate losses and are not in demand among investors. Experts call Koltsovo airport the first contender for sale.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Russian Chrome spoiled the statistics of T Plus in the Sverdlovsk region

The debts of residents of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region for energy resources to the structures of PJSC T Plus are approaching 20 billion rubles. The most problematic consumers of energy are municipal enterprises of housing and communal services and the Russian Chrome 1915 Group of Companies, which have increased their debt to almost a billion rubles over the year. If the former do not pay due to the strong insufficiency of the tariff and, as a result, underfunding, then the industrial enterprise, as the power engineers assure, has taken a conscious position of non-payments. At the same time, the money frozen in receivables hinders the increase in funding for repair and investment programs. Thus, in Yekaterinburg alone, the annual volume of investments in the heating network infrastructure is estimated at approximately 3 billion rubles. Market participants note that it is especially important now to collect debt against the backdrop of rising prices for materials and the need to squeeze investments.For the next period, thermal companies already had to revise the volumes of transfers and fall below the last year's figure. However, the resource-supplying organization promises to continue the trend to reduce accidents.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The mayor's office of Chelyabinsk withdrew itself from the state program. Contractors caught installing dangerous equipment for children at budget expense

After massive complaints from residents of Chelyabinsk about new playgrounds, which, after several years of operation, not only deteriorate, but pose a direct threat to life and health, the city authorities began checking the equipment installed in recent years. Money for these purposes was allocated from the federal budget as part of the “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” program, and at the same time, officials admit that “all work on the selection of contractors, acceptance and further maintenance of gaming complexes has been outsourced to management companies.” Subordinates of Natalia Kotova only sign agreements on the provision of subsidies for the renewal of courtyard areas. After a detailed study of both the equipment itself and the documents provided by the public utilities, a certified expert in the field of the quality of playgrounds and sports complexes came to the conclusion that most swings and slides are simply dangerous to use. The falsification of documents was also revealed, when “fake manufacturers give out their equipment made on the knee in garages” as certified complexes of manufacturers “with a name”, and often even “without quality certificates and safety regulations”.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Relatives of the head of WIS Doev are strengthening in London, and the top manager is mastering budget billions

While the general director of the VIS group, Dmitry Doev, is dealing with large infrastructure projects for which billions of budget funds are allocated, his “probable relatives are forming a business in England,” which belongs to the list of “unfriendly countries.”So, in the capital of the kingdom, a certain company was registered whose director, according to one of the open databases of foreign states that the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation refers, is the “notorious market” by Anna Berkovich. Apparently, we are talking about the founder of a network of one of the schools of foreign languages, which the market participants call the “wife of Duev”, indicating joint assets and materials recorded in different years. Insiders also pay attention to a foreign business, apparently related to the son of Duev, as well as remarkable weaves in the structures of Berkovich and Alexander Karabanov, the current director of the Gazprom asset. Speaking of these connections, market participants recall a whole string of financial scandals that are “associated with the surname Doev”: from bankruptcy of the structure of Gazprom – “Energogaz” – a subgenor of the project of expansion of the “Punginsky PHG” in Khmao with concomitant claims of creditors and the Federal Tax Service, before “Warm relations” Doeva with Igor Snegurov, whose company in the days of Duev lost billions of rubles. At the same time, the surnames of other former Gazprom top managers also pop up, with whom they associated the “personal financial successes of Doeva”, and therefore “its conflict heritage”.
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The breakdown of the TCO concession in Khanty -Mansi Autonomous Okrug will cost the Citimatic Acts tens of millions. The terms of entering the landfill are adjusted for the third time

The curators of the construction of inter -municipal landfills in the Ugra with the help of merchants suffered another defeat in the implementation of the National Project Ecology. The timing of the commissioning of the promised communal facility in the Nefteyugansk district, which was promised two years ago, apparently, will be adjusted once again. As it turned out, the landfill erected by the Citimatic-Yugra cannot receive the conclusion of state examinations and permission to put the site into operation. However, the district department of industry has already responded to violations of obligations and demanded compensation for the breakdown of the concession.The partner of the deprome cannot yet comment on the actions of the Khanty officials, however, the market participants are sure that in the next year the time adjustment, as well as the cost of the projects themselves, awaits almost all municipal training grounds that are built on the territory of the Khanty -Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Moreover, the reason indicates not only the economic situation in the country, but also the possible mistakes of managers in assessing the state of allocated land for the construction of communal facilities. The only painless way out of the situation for the Governor’s supervisor Alexei Zabozlaev may be “finding a compromise with all market participants”.
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The Tyumen Ministry of Internal Affairs will pay Aragasstroy for non -existent housing. Families of employees will be placed in rented apartments

The police department in the Tyumen region was defeated in a prolonged conflict, as determined on Stroyrynka, “with a scandalously known developer” – Aragatsstroy company, controlled by the entrepreneur Karen Minasyan. The developer at the end of last year pledged to put into operation a residential building for 70 families of employees of the department, but as a result, work froze at the initial stage. During the inspections initiated by the Main Directorate of the Construction of the region, numerous violations were revealed, a number of which were difficult to complete. The construction had to be suspended, and then with the Aragatsstroy and they decided to break the contract completely. The situation was complicated by a reduction in the federal financing of the project, which was originally allocated several hundred million rubles. The result was long -term trials with the involvement of independent experts, and representatives of the office, who had already had a solid train of foiled and poorly executed agreements with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, acted as their initiator. Aragatsstroy demanded to reimburse him with funds for the work performed at the construction site. And although history, it is possible, will still get further development, while the police have neither money nor apartments for their own employees and their families.
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The drought in the Chelyabinsk region will cause large -scale damage to the agricultural sector. The authorities have no decision and forecasts

The Chelyabinsk region is on the threshold of another loud social problem, close to the environmental disaster. The situation with the mass death of fish, which is reported by ecologists and the population in the last period, clearly confirms that in all reservoirs of the region there is a sharp drop in water level. The authorities talk about the cyclicality of the problem, recognize the critical situation with water supply last summer and especially in the southern territories of the region. In 2022, apparently, there will be even fewer water in the underbuilding of the Southern Urals, and there are problems in almost all areas. So, in the Shershnevsky reservoir, which is a drinking source for Chelyabinsk, “there is a significant drop in water level”, local social activists blame the officials and supervisory authorities in the current situation and even recorded a video message to the President of Russia. The regional government claims that claims are not addressed to, and the reason for everything is natural phenomena, but at the same time, no one is going to consider damage to the population, industry and agro -industrial complex. As the authorities and forecasts of the development of the situation does not have even for a short -term perspective. Meanwhile, water from the lakes continues to pump out illegally, and supervisory does not respond to the situation for several years.
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YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

Chelyabinsk dumps feces with biofidants to Miass. The region promised by Texler for the reconstruction of the cob

Grying, despite numerous fines, courts and instructions, continues to throw dirty sewage drains into the Miass River. According to the estimates of local residents, “most often a natural color fluid comes from the drain collector,” but people do not take the impurities and dangerous elements, although “there are short periods of time when the municipal unitary enterprise begins to merge a brown slide into the river with a specific smell.” Together with her, the used personal hygiene items are also in the pond, which are now strewn with the banks of the Miass River.Rosprirodnadzor tried to prove in courts that wastewater from treatment years causes enormous damage to nature, but experts, despite the registered facts of discharge of wastewater with hazardous pollutants, consider it unproven that it was the WWW that brought the river into a deplorable state. The promises of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region Alexei Teksler to reconstruct the sewage treatment plants using federal funds turned out to be undocumented, and the money did not come to the region. Although in 2021 the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund preliminary approved the application of South Ural officials, this year all documents had to be submitted again. The decision on the allocation of funds from the federal budget will be made by June, and now officials have increased the size of the requested funds by 350 million.

YURESK, controlled by the government of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, is plunging into a series of new scandals. After a year of work on the criminal case of the now former general director of the organization, Mikhail Kozlov, the investigation is ready to send the materials to the court. However, the initial suspicions of embezzlement, according to insiders, today have been supplemented by facts that may indicate more serious crimes of the manager. In particular, we can talk about the withdrawal of funds from the company through the use of illegal schemes when terminating contracts for the supply of equipment.In the alleged financial manipulations, in addition to Kozlov, his former deputy and a number of firms from several regions appear at once. At the same time, well-informed observers believe that the enrichment of top managers most likely came at the expense of ordinary employees of the electric grid company. Representatives of the professional community also voice great complaints about the work of Mikhail Kozlov, who believe that the actions of the general director for many years created serious risks for the stability of the district's energy system. Meanwhile, according to the version of the competent authorities, even the removal of Kozlov from his post did not lead to the destruction of the built-up hidden scheme of interaction with contractors. As it turned out, even relevant officials from the district were interested in their prolongation.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not help Energosbyt Plus to get money in the Virgin Islands, and VGOK was presented with another claim

Vysokogorsky Mining and Processing Plant from Nizhny Tagil was able to fight off the claims of the energy sales company in transactions with an offshore shareholder. A few years ago, the plant issued millions of dollars to a company registered in the British Virgin Islands, agreeing to return the funds and interest at the end of 2018. Further, however, by additional agreements, the rates were sharply reduced, and the maturity period was extended. Such operations, taking into account large permanent debts of VGOK, representatives of Energosbyt Plus considered “withdrawal of funds to the detriment of creditors”, and, in particular, they demanded that investigators from the Ministry of Internal Affairs evaluate energy transactions. However, neither the first instance nor the security forces considered the arguments of the opponents of the VGOK to be sufficiently convincing at the moment. Energosbyt Plus, however, intends to continue the courts, claiming a remaining debt of 161 million, but for now, Nizhny Tagil industrialists continue to receive new claims from the Federal Tax Service, which has already transferred hundreds of millions of claims to bailiffs.VGOK, against the backdrop of conflicts and court cases, demonstrates an increase in revenue, balance sheet and net profit.