Syktyvkar | Demand for soap, sporting goods and medicines has increased in Komi – BezFormat

The coronavirus pandemic has had a negative impact on retail and catering turnover. Komi Republic. Syktyvkar.

Demand for soap, sporting goods and medicines increased in Komi

Demand for soap, sporting goods and medicines has increased in Komi -

The coronavirus pandemic has had a negative impact on retail and catering turnover. Both of these areas in Komi have not been able to reach last year's figures, although they came close to them.

Photo by Viktor Bobyr

According to Komistat, in October, the retail trade turnover amounted to 13.7 billion rubles (2.9% less than in the same month in 2019), in January-October – 134.8 billion. Due to a drop in sales in the spring the overall result for ten months turned out to be negative – 98.7% against the level of the corresponding period of the previous year (in comparable prices), although in June the indicator was 100%, and in July and August it exceeded last year's values ​​by 1-4%.

In October, the retail turnover was fully formed in the stationary trading network, the sale of goods at fairs amounted to only 0.1%.

Sales of food, beverages and tobacco products amounted to 6.8 billion rubles, which in comparable prices was 0.5% less than the corresponding month of 2019. Stores also sold industrial goods for 6.8 billion, a decrease of 5.2%. Thus, the sales of products caught up with the sale of manufactured goods – in price terms, the shares amounted to 49.8% and 50.2%, respectively (a year earlier, the proportion was 48.6% and 51.4%).

In trade organizations (small businesses were not taken into account), sales of most food products increased in October compared to September, with the exception of canned meat and fresh potatoes. Among non-food products, the sale of fabrics (by 66%), stationery (by 29%), and furniture (by 27%) dropped sharply. At the same time, sales of toilet and laundry soap (by 22%), sports equipment and sporting goods (by 21%), newspapers and magazines (by 17%), medicines (by 17%), watches (by 13%) and underwear (by 11%).

The turnover of public catering in October amounted to 885 million rubles – 1% less (in comparable prices). For ten months, the indicator amounted to 7.5 billion, which is 0.8% less than the value of the same period last year.

The wholesale trade turnover in October was equal to 7.3 billion rubles and in comparable prices was 10% more than in October 2019. Trade organizations, with the exception of those involved in the sale of transport, sold products and goods for 4.7 billion (1.4% less). Wholesalers most noticeably increased their sales of sugar and canned fish, and decreased their sales of milk. For ten months, the wholesale trade turnover amounted to 70.4 billion, which is 4.8% more than in January-October 2019.