The order of entry into Kazakhstan | Consular department | Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation

The order of entry into Kazakhstan | Consular department | Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation

Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation to date, foreign citizens (including Russian citizens) may enter into an additional basis

Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Russian Federation

To date, foreign citizens (including Russian citizens), without the presentation of additional grounds, may enter Kazakhstan with flights from all states with which Kazakhstan is carried out by regular passenger aircraft. At the moment, these are the following countries:

Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Great Britain, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Georgia, Egypt, India, Iran, Qatar, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Netherlands, UAE, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine (flights are suspended), Sri Lanka, South Korea.

Also, foreign citizens (including Russian citizens), without presenting additional grounds, can enter Kazakhstan through land passes of its state border with Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Without visas to Kazakhstan Citizens of the following states may arrive:

Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Vatican, Great Britain, Hungary, Vietnam, Germany, Hong Kong, Georgia, Denmark, Israel, Indonesia, Ireland, Iceland, Spain Italy, Canada, Qatar, Cyprus, Colombia, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, USA, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Philippines, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Ecuador, Estonia, South Korea, Japan.

Citizens of other states at the entrance to Kazakhstan A visa is required. Detailed information see link

Arriving in Kazakhstan from foreign countries should provide a certificate with a negative result of the test on the COVID-19 method (in Kazakh, Russian or English), from the date of issuance of the result of which 72 hours did not pass at the time of crossing the state border of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Arriving in Kazakhstan from the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia), as well as from Azerbaijan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, provide a certificate, including using the mobile application Travel without Covid-19. The version of the Apple apple application can be downloaded HERE, for Android devices- HERE.

Certificate of PCR with a negative result of the test on COVID-19 at the entrance to Kazakhstan NOT REQUIRED:

– children under the age of 5 years with its presence in the faces of their faces;

-persons who have received revaccination or a full course of vaccination against the Covid-19 in Kazakhstan, if after receiving the second component no more than 6 months at the time of crossing the border of Kazakhstan, when providing documentary evidence;

-to persons who have provided a passport/certificate/certificate of vaccination against the Covid-19, recognized as valid in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the following countries: Argentina, Armenia, Belarus, Belize, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Great Britain, Hungary, Hong Kong, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia, Georgia India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iran, Spain, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Moldova, Peru, San Marino, Serbia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Philippines, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Ecuador, Estonia, Japan;

– members of government delegations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, crews of airlines, locomotive brigades, marine ships and persons related to transportation on railway, sea and river transport.

Arriving faces with high body temperature, regardless of the presence of a certificate, are subject to isolation in an infectious hospital.

ATTENTION! Daily during working hours, the Border Guard of the KNB consults citizens in the procedure for crossing the border during the period of quarantine restrictions on number +7 7172 719 111, as well as by sending messages through the Instagram channel Shekaraknbkz.