Sports of persons with POD – Sports-adaptive school of the Paralympic and Deaflympic reserve

Sports of persons with POD – Sports-adaptive school of the Paralympic and Deaflympic reserve

GAU SO Sports-adaptive school forms groups of sports for people with PHD in the following disciplines: athletics, cross-country skiing, powerlifting, swimming.


In 1981, the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR On the further rise of mass physical culture and sports was issued. It defined specific tasks for the development of the physical culture movement in our country.

But if for healthy people physical education and sports were a common need realized in everyday life, then for people with disabilities with lesions of the musculoskeletal system (ODA) they become an urgent need, since along with therapeutic physical culture they are the most effective method of restoring primarily motor skills. opportunities.

In 1980, the Sports Federation for the Disabled was created in Leningrad under the Sports Committee, which united athletes with visual, hearing and ODA impairments. Vladimir Ilyich Filatov, Director of the Leningrad Research Institute of Prosthetics, was elected Chairman of the Federation, and Konstantin Mikhailovich Boltushevich was elected Executive Secretary.

Every year, since 1981, summer and winter sports games for disabled people have been held with the involvement of disabled athletes from other cities and union republics. Already in 1982, representatives of Estonia, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia took part in the summer sports games for the disabled.

Approximately in the same period, physical culture and health work with disabled people began in Omsk, Novokuznetsk, Tallinn (Estonia), Riga, etc.

In parallel with the huge organizational work, competitions among the disabled are held not only at the level of cities, regions, regions, republics, but also the country, sports are defined and discussed.

For the first time, our disabled athletes appeared abroad in 1989 – at the swimming championship of the countries of the socialist community. These competitions were preceded by the I All-Russian Summer Sports Games for the Disabled (Omsk, 1987), the II All-Russian Summer Sports Games for the Disabled (Omsk, 1988), the I All-Union Sports Games for the Disabled (Atlanta, 1988), the All-Union Spartakiad for the Disabled (Saki, 1989 G.).

And since 1990, championships and championships of the RSFSR and the USSR began to be held in certain sports (athletics, swimming, sitting volleyball, archery, table tennis, checkers, chess).

Since 1992, disabled athletes with ODA have been taking part in the Paralympic Games and winning prizes.

At present, there are 137 sports, health and rehabilitation clubs in Russia, where work is carried out in 16 sports, specialized youth schools for the disabled are being opened.

In the Sverdlovsk Region, the Sports-Adaptive School forms sports groups for people with PHD in the following disciplines: athletics, cross-country skiing, swimming, and also selects athletes for a powerlifting group throughout the year.