TV channel "Russia-1" found in Omsk only "good" | Latest News of Omsk and Omsk Region | BK55

The Rossiya-1 TV channel found only “good” things in Omsk: A film crew from the capital did not cover the problems of Omsk residents and created a positive image of the region. (VIDEO)

TV channel Russia-1 found in Omsk only good

Yesterday, March 13, on the federal TV channel Russia-1 as part of the final release of the program Vesti Nedeli, another story about the Omsk region was released. In it, the audience, like a year ago, was told about the current state of the region only in positive aspects.

– Another series about Russian regions. The Omsk region, where a record crop of wheat is grown and a new-generation Angara launch vehicle is assembled, which has no equal in the world. A region with a rich history, from the exiled Decembrists to the beginning of the revolutionary events of the beginning of the last century, when Omsk became the white capital of Russia, because the supreme ruler Admiral Kolchak settled there. What is the life of Omsk Siberians now, in our report, – began to tell the presenter Dmitry Kiselev.

Russia-1 correspondent Dmitry Kaistro visited the Polet production association, a maral and ostrich breeding farm, a laboratory for the production of potato seeds, and the greenhouse of the Druzino agricultural holding. In addition, he visited the workshops where they restore stucco from Lyubinsky Prospekt and learned that Omsk is the sunniest city in Russia.

A film crew from the capital also visited the Omsk Oil Refinery. Thanks to the report, the Russians learned that every eighth liter of diesel fuel is produced in Omsk, and 20 million tons of crude oil are processed annually.

During his visit to Omsk, the journalist also spoke with Viktor Nazarov. The head of the Omsk region hastened to talk about the progress the region has made in grain production.

– In 2015 alone, we produced 3.4 million tons of grain. In conditions of risky farming, such a harvest can be called a record. We probably never collected more. Investors already see that it is possible not only to earn money in agriculture, but to develop in this area, Viktor Nazarov said on the air of the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

It is noteworthy that the correspondent did not cover the problems that exist in the region. Therefore, after the program, the Russians could have an opinion that our region is the best place to live.

Video: Typical Omsk




Now I'm afraid to imagine what's going on in the whole country, because on TV everything is good everywhere, and whoever says that it's bad is a right-winger and a hater of the current elite at the top.











The role of television is not to gloss over problems, but, on the contrary, to provide fair and objective coverage of people's real lives. If you look at the plot, it seems that everything is wonderful with us.But this is not quite so, or rather, not at all so. When in a depressed region, in a city where there are no roads, they try to show a piece of heaven on earth it is annoying.



well vbuhali budget money in the plot. window dressing. Who watched that episode? Customers in the person of Guip))) will now report to Nazarov how great everything turned out.





Circus and all. And they did not try to walk through the streets of the city. Now it is clear for whom your channel is broadcasting.



Re: +100500. TV blunder)).. Maybe now an even larger number of Omsk residents will understand how much truth is on TV) ..



This is just profanity. Media, Russia – 1, Kiselyov and the local leadership in general, which, instead of defending the interests of the region, licks the capital's asses with its tongue. Or substitutes his own, just to stay in office. Disgrace.



I can only guess why the metropolitan journalists suddenly became puzzled by the existence of Omsk. A group of Omsk residents, led by human rights activist Zaitseva, is flying to Moscow to picket the presidential administration, the RF Armed Forces, and the Prosecutor General's Office. Because of the unbearable life in Omsk, lawlessness, legal, forceful, judicial, narcotic. Now they will probably stand in front of Ostankino with these posters to show the result of their work. They fussed like spiders in a jar.



There was a similar window dressing in a recent story filmed by the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in the Trans-Baikal Territory. People then spat for a long time, watching this report. And here and there, the obvious order is to create a feeling among the impoverished people that everything is fine. Thanks to such reports, ordinary people will finally understand what modern media are and how a distorted information field is created.



You begin to understand the full depth of television lies only after that. as they show something to which you are directly related, about which you yourself know the most reliable facts.



I read the comments and go nuts – people, did you really believe before this story that on TV they show fair and objective coverage of the real life of people.
However, they showed the truth. It's just that it's not the whole truth and it's not the truth at all.
But in any case, it's good that such a story came out. Maybe the truth is a little more people will think about what to believe.



I read the comments and go nuts – people, did you really believe before this story that on TV they show fair and objective coverage of the real life of people.
However, they showed the truth. It's just that it's not the whole truth and it's not the truth at all.
But in any case, it's good that such a story came out. Maybe the truth is a little more people will think about what to believe.





I watched this fantasy on TV. From the objective, only the number of sunny days in the region. The rest was just boring.



This report was filmed not to blur the eyes of Omsk residents.
And so that we ourselves do not forget who we are.
After all, we have good things. THERE IS!
Everyone knows that the roads are bad and there are problems with transport. ALL.
Everyone whines about it and no one does anything.
Watch the report again.You have something to be proud of.
You can change your life.
Stop whining and start doing something.
Start with yourself.
If everyone starts with himself and we will begin to move, and not stomp still and slowly slide down gradually, gradually gaining the back speed, then such reports will seem offensive to us, because not all good were shown.



Why did you feel sick? We collect rockets, grow wheat and vegetables, produce gasoline, where has you failed? And from the current show with Vladimir Solovyov is not sick?













No need to watch the central channels, see for yourself what is happening around. In the entrance of the syringe, on the street d ***, on the bus fat handrails, at work, good smiling faces of workers, the store has delicious and inexpensive products, the pharmacy has affordable and cheap medicines, timely receipts in the mailbox. 28 days of vacation in the summer, a quarterly test of teeth with a dentist in a clinic, high -speed highways and metro, polite road drivers.







After this plot, confidence somehow decreases not only in TV in general, but also to D. Kiselev personally. So much time to kill to create an image of impartial television, and so to be hidden in the region. Well, I do not believe that the metropolitan correspondent did not see any roads in the city, nor peeling facades, nor dirt, no garbage, etc. Why do we need to smear your eyes? Like we do not know where and how we live? It is clear that there is enough negativity now, but the plots should be at least objective (!), And not a set of ceremonial phrases with servile aspiration. Sad, gentlemen.





Where is optimism, comrades!
Go out the street, spring on your nose.
Streams will flow soon, washing dirt from Omsk streets.
And then the uncles on large and beautiful cars will come and will repair the roads to us.
Old and dirty minibuses will be removed, and Artemyev will buy new buses for us.
It remains only to earn money and Omsk will become the best.





“If I someday I will smoke in such a life, I can live in my Sarah for several days,” the actor said in an interview with the French channel ..





Capital journalists said that the Angara missile carrier is collected in Omsk, and the Omsk refinery produces every 12 liter of Russian gasoline. Muscovites also pleased the production of grain in the Omsk region, the farm for breeding marals and ostriches and a greenhouse where vegetables are grown all year round .
The plot ended with the words: The city remembers and is proud of its past and the present. The audience of the Russian 1 television channel did not see any problems in the life of Omsk.

So there is an impression of life in Russia?
I would not want it to be so.
And I wonder how much the creators from the customer received for this report?
And at what helicopter they moved around Omsk if they did not notice the good roads and other things, other things.



Farm, I'm sorry, how old are you ?? You are young, either in the board stupid or naive like a child. When was Kiselev was objective ??
Kiselev had long received the Order for Merit to the Fatherland.Personally, the president handed it. Z \ Obligation and impartiality \. What is the price of this objectiveness – now the Omchans are convinced themselves. Coincidence? I don't think.

By the way, as they write – Patriot Kiselev himself has real estate abroad. Apparently, he does not want to live his age in Rossyushka.





So, the RT channel, follows from the draft budget for 2016, will receive 19 billion rubles, which is 1.84 billion rubles less than a year earlier. In 2016, the Russia today will receive 6.73 billion rubles from the state – 0.66 billion rubles more than in 2015. Financing of the VGTRK holding from the budget will be increased by 0.85 billion rubles – up to 24 billion rubles.
From open sources of the Internet.
For reference: the budget of the city of Omsk for 2016 in the region of 13 billion rubles.



As I understand it, the current Russian journalists are former OSCE employees. The principle of their activity is the same. Well, you understand, I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, you are all lies.





3 ostrics were demolished by 54 omelets, the only northern deer almost choked on the yagel, the channel was curved in fear of the television, the condensed milk in which the film crew sneezed. No, well, a cheeky jar, not sash with refineries, of course, but fashionable; Powder. slightly yellowish catalyzing powder. It is interesting what the man will turn into if the stolen powder is sold under the brand of “real Afghan heroin of a high degree of purification” (but definitely, the powder will put it hundreds of times stronger than heroin, and the brain will fuel stronger than selective agonists of the 2 -type cannabinoid receptors and Darth Vader); The governor seems to be working as a universal remote manager of the Rostselmashev autopilot harvesters; Yes, and 2 metro trains were supposed to run along the bridge, but either they did not fit into the frame, or in alternative reality were lost; And the main thing is snow, so fresh, covering all the excess, gained by aerobatic groups.





I hope this plot will give rise to doubts in the heads of the Omsk about what is shown on our TV one and continuous – gleania and all 24 hours and all days and months and years ..





This is typical of our country. To sculpt from the window dressing a noble image in the brains of the townsfolk.
Before 1917, they also sculpted and finished in the end before the revolution and the Civil War.
What will they go to today – obvious.



Stupid people, how much you can write nonsense in the comments.
No one is deceiving anyone.

11214.03.2016 10:19:16 What did you feel sick? We collect rockets, grow wheat and vegetables, produce gasoline, where has you failed?, And from the current show with Vladimir Solovyov is not sick?

Do you want our negative realities to show through the central channels?
See reports about collapsing barracks and falling taps.
Watch the current show with Malakhov and other stupid shows.

Nobody deceives you. Everything is true.
What do you want?

And you just want to live better than now.
Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.
Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.
The report is not about Omsk apartments.

My god what a low lies around, what kind of grain, what kind of potato, we will soon begin to die out of hunger, those who did not watch this winter on Omsk roads, who were not buried under the tap, under the ruins of the barracks, and they smear people's eyes, I don’t understand at all at all Where the prosecutor’s office is in Omsk, before Schreider Banner will not be allowed to hang the showdown there, but this is the city of Putavid in every sense, and the prosecutor’s office is sleeping, or they scored there, or you just don’t need to see, so think about the people.





Visiting Moscow stars starting from Reva to Brezhneva, all as one repeats about terrible Omsk roads. And VGTRK correspondents removed these plots probably from a drone? My aunt in the early 80s when viewing the Time program very often used the term-chipping term. She could not then assume that the real bespectacle is still ahead.



Omsk. Why so much negativity? Spring on the street, the sun, rooks flew in, nature awakens. Listen my mood is super. Happiness to everyone.







And the metro, by their arrival during the night, did not accidentally finish in record time? So, purely at a couple of stations. TUD. And it is not ashamed to people that the city of a milionnik is standing in traffic jams.



And who leads these first channels? Konstantin Ernst, a fan of licking the back place at the top!
The achievements of agriculture showed well. Especially about the agricultural complex. True, they forgot to say that the cucumbers of this enterprise are as the most expensive exotic fruits. And the hens, stuffed with all sorts of rubbish to such an extent that neither fry nor bake because when heated from the meat flows, the devil knows what liquid. And the taste of our chickens is disgusting. Milku Pokis0795, becomes poisonously bitter. You don’t know what to buy. But no one is responsible for this



About Omsk, as about the deceased: either nothing or good. lang=en style=height: 28px;And if the employer pays little for you, open your business (a-ha ha), dial workers and pay them a worthy salary for evil to enemies.







What good did you do yesterday, and what today? What will you do good tomorrow.



Stupid people, how much you can write nonsense in the comments.





And I liked the plot about the Omsk region. It is no secret that federal channels mainly show robbery, murders and other negatives from morning to evening, as well as many hours of discussions about Syria, Ukraine and other states, as if not Russian TV, and here they showed a story about one of the regions of Russia. We need to show life more in Russia and as little as possible to us.







Russian journalists are not former OSCE employees, but former Komsomol members and communists, and they always work for power.





Let them go through the villages who stumbled without exception from the infamous and destroyed, show the broken roads in Omsk, why is this lie?



Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.



The report is not about Omsk apartments.
My god what a low lies around, what kind of grain, what kind of potato, we will soon begin to die out of hunger, those who did not watch this winter on Omsk roads, who were not buried under the tap, under the ruins of the barracks, and they smear people's eyes, I don’t understand at all at all Where the prosecutor’s office is in Omsk, before Schreider Banner will not be allowed to hang the showdown there, but this is the city of Putavid in every sense, and the prosecutor’s office is sleeping, or they scored there, or you just don’t need to see, so think about the people.



Visiting Moscow stars starting from Reva to Brezhneva, all as one repeats about terrible Omsk roads. And VGTRK correspondents removed these plots probably from a drone? My aunt in the early 80s when viewing the Time program very often used the term-chipping term. She could not then assume that the real bespectacle is still ahead.





Omsk. Why so much negativity? Spring on the street, the sun, rooks flew in, nature awakens. Listen my mood is super. Happiness to everyone.



And the metro, by their arrival during the night, did not accidentally finish in record time? So, purely at a couple of stations. TUD. And it is not ashamed to people that the city of a milionnik is standing in traffic jams.



And who leads these first channels? Konstantin Ernst, a fan of licking the back place at the top!



The achievements of agriculture showed well. Especially about the agricultural complex. True, they forgot to say that the cucumbers of this enterprise are as the most expensive exotic fruits. And the hens, stuffed with all sorts of rubbish to such an extent that neither fry nor bake because when heated from the meat flows, the devil knows what liquid. And the taste of our chickens is disgusting. Milku Pokis0795, becomes poisonously bitter. You don’t know what to buy. But no one is responsible for this



About Omsk, as about the deceased: either nothing or good.Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.
The report is not about Omsk apartments.
My god what a low lies around, what kind of grain, what kind of potato, we will soon begin to die out of hunger, those who did not watch this winter on Omsk roads, who were not buried under the tap, under the ruins of the barracks, and they smear people's eyes, I don’t understand at all at all Where the prosecutor’s office is in Omsk, before Schreider Banner will not be allowed to hang the showdown there, but this is the city of Putavid in every sense, and the prosecutor’s office is sleeping, or they scored there, or you just don’t need to see, so think about the people.
Visiting Moscow stars starting from Reva to Brezhneva, all as one repeats about terrible Omsk roads. And VGTRK correspondents removed these plots probably from a drone? My aunt in the early 80s when viewing the Time program very often used the term-chipping term. She could not then assume that the real bespectacle is still ahead.



Omsk. Why so much negativity? Spring on the street, the sun, rooks flew in, nature awakens. Listen my mood is super. Happiness to everyone. lang=en style=height: 28px;And if the employer pays little for you, open your business (a-ha ha), dial workers and pay them a worthy salary for evil to enemies.





What good did you do yesterday, and what today? What will you do good tomorrow.



Stupid people, how much you can write nonsense in the comments.



And I liked the plot about the Omsk region. It is no secret that federal channels mainly show robbery, murders and other negatives from morning to evening, as well as many hours of discussions about Syria, Ukraine and other states, as if not Russian TV, and here they showed a story about one of the regions of Russia. We need to show life more in Russia and as little as possible to us.



Russian journalists are not former OSCE employees, but former Komsomol members and communists, and they always work for power.
Let them go through the villages who stumbled without exception from the infamous and destroyed, show the broken roads in Omsk, why is this lie?
Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.
The report is not about Omsk apartments.



My god what a low lies around, what kind of grain, what kind of potato, we will soon begin to die out of hunger, those who did not watch this winter on Omsk roads, who were not buried under the tap, under the ruins of the barracks, and they smear people's eyes, I don’t understand at all at all Where the prosecutor’s office is in Omsk, before Schreider Banner will not be allowed to hang the showdown there, but this is the city of Putavid in every sense, and the prosecutor’s office is sleeping, or they scored there, or you just don’t need to see, so think about the people.



Visiting Moscow stars starting from Reva to Brezhneva, all as one repeats about terrible Omsk roads. And VGTRK correspondents removed these plots probably from a drone? My aunt in the early 80s when viewing the Time program very often used the term-chipping term. She could not then assume that the real bespectacle is still ahead.





Omsk. Why so much negativity? Spring on the street, the sun, rooks flew in, nature awakens. Listen my mood is super. Happiness to everyone.Well, go work, earn, ennoble your life.



The report is not about Omsk apartments.



My god what a low lies around, what kind of grain, what kind of potato, we will soon begin to die out of hunger, those who did not watch this winter on Omsk roads, who were not buried under the tap, under the ruins of the barracks, and they smear people's eyes, I don’t understand at all at all Where the prosecutor’s office is in Omsk, before Schreider Banner will not be allowed to hang the showdown there, but this is the city of Putavid in every sense, and the prosecutor’s office is sleeping, or they scored there, or you just don’t need to see, so think about the people. lang=en style=height: 28px;And if the employer pays little for you, open your business (a-ha ha), dial workers and pay them a worthy salary for evil to enemies.