School №44 Nizhny Novgorod – 45 reviews

School №44 Nizhny Novgorod – 45 reviews

School №44 Nizhny Novgorod ❤, school description ✎, phone number ☎, 45 reviews ❤ parents and students. School ranking ☯ and USE results ☑. PHOTO ๏̮͡๏ classmates. Location on the map ➤

Secondary school №44

School №44 Nizhny Novgorod

We know the results of the Unified State Examination for 8403 schools in Russia for 2020. Among them, we calculate the percentage of schools that passed worse or better. The assessment is of course conditional, but it allows you to understand the level of the school with a sufficient number of data for the specified year.

The school is terrible. You feel like you are in prison. They force you to wear a shift in May, when it is dry outside (they force you to go home for a shift, even if you live in some Sormovo). The teachers are terrible to say the least. The only good teacher is Trifilova. In the dining room they feed almost waste

A very good school. Strong teaching staff. The director is very good. My son is in second grade. We were lucky with a kind teacher, the children like it. The physical education teacher is also super and the child really likes the English teacher Alena Olegovna. The only negative is the food in the dining room. The child eats almost nothing. Says not tasty or cold food.

Dear Parents! Not worth talking about the good finishing of the school. Climb above the second floor and you will see a real school. Enter Room 36 with its fuzzy projector and crumbling windows. Linoleum comes off the floor. From the slightest movement, the cabinets seem to fall in an instant. Desks and chairs on the verge. Many cabinets have begun to be repaired, but this is the last one I was in and it still hasn't been repaired.

Let's start with the fact that a totalitarian atmosphere reigns in the school, school life resembles the novel by J. Orwell -1984. There are cameras almost everywhere, even in the toilets. All teachers tremble in fear of their superiors. Most teachers do not take into account the opinion of students, do not perceive constructive criticism. I'll do without names, but there are those who would do well to undergo a psychiatric examination. The quality of education is average. The contingent of students is both decent guys and not so, frank CREDIT does not stay here for a long time. Refurbishment is relatively good. The food in the dining room is not very good quality. As for the situation in primary school: there are a couple of despot teachers. Some teachers (not only in the primary grades) climb into areas of the life of students that are not related to education.

The school is good, but basically the material is only brought to the attention of the children, and the parents have to explain it. We have been on remote control for a long time, a lot has been missed, and now results are being demanded from children!

My grandchildren study at this school. They like the school and the teachers. They don't like the food in the canteen. Completely abandoned breakfast and lunch. They say that it is impossible to eat, everything is cooked very tastelessly. Either oversalted, or not at all salty. I would like to come and try.

It was one of the strongest schools in the 70s, after graduation, teachers from universities immediately recognized former students of this school.Strong teachers – Potekhina M.I., Svetlana Nikolaan – biologist, Valery Petrovich – historian.

I don’t know the gymnast, but the hall is large spacious in the locker room forever dirty cleaning lady very loud calls if you are standing at the dining room, then consider you deaf all about the school territory, everything is good to eat stadium cloth nature

Just the most honest and fair review. The food in the dining room is tasty (but before it was impossible at all). Only tea Budaous a rag was squeezed out as all students say. Cocoa is not very good. The water is good, you can drink. Classes are well equipped. Behind the territory of the SK and in the ShK itself, they are purely set for children unbearably a lot, and not even in the profile subjects. Parshin, for example, sets to teach songs, which is 40 years old. In my opinion, music should be taught how to sing the very art itself, and not one scribble and pronouncing the text. Textbooks are issued in good quality. The library is small, but there is a lot of useful things in it. The students are different, from brawls to calm, but it already depends on education. As for the coronovirus infection: during it, students measured the temperature, but not right, the children were forced to go almost per meter (the temperature was mostly 34 degrees, and this is, as it were, not a tenant). The antiseptic was in every class. I want to note the teachers: Boldin (mathematics), flowers (music), Petrov (Biology), Ivashchenko (Rus and Lit), Trifilov (History and Society), Sorokin (Chemistry), Yakovlev (English), Tkacheva (geography). Real professionals in their field. The strongest teachers, even from dumbass, with his desire, will make a child prodigy. No one is better than them. Boldina explains very clearly, I have a child, although a humanitarium, he runs to her lessons with a bunch of ears. Petrova and flowers, although young and immediately after the university, but did not see anyone better in their subjects. Trifilova perfectly explains and prepares for exams, mine just sitting in her lessons wrote the exam at 94. Tkachev is insanely interesting to teach geography, from a small topic will make a real journey on the map. I am generally silent about Ivashchenko. Incredibly prepares for exams, develops diction, teaches a new one. Yes, he sets everyone more, but believe me, then say thanks. My son, thanks to him, passed the exam for 100 points. Although, believe the son, up to 8th grade, to the foolishness lit up. Sorokina will always go to a meeting for the student, never yells and insisted chicly disads that you can might be mentioned. The younger one, in general, opening her mouth listens how she leads a lesson. Yakovleva is the best teacher of English in the entire Soviet district (believe me, I saw everyone). Very strong, even the boob will teach to speak. Fight for her. But! I give such a low assessment because of Parshin, Michasova, Turchina and Nazarova, Kozlov. Parshin was dismantled above, but I want to supplement, he is not fair to the student. Pupils do not sing in his lesson. He asks one or in rows. If one row sang worse than the other due to the fact that someone built faces, then the “re-row”, but how 1 will be able to shed 10, especially without skills. He has a dignified certification, TC issues are not rational.Michasova teaches the necessary information, but all the time somewhere, either in the military commissariat, or at an event, or on a campaign, etc. Her creative tasks are incomprehensible, then this is not so, this is not so. Checking papers for which there is no information in the textbook or will write in a language that is not understandable to children. And in general, types of fires that are tested on the topic, are you serious? This will come in handy for me in an emergency. Turchin. If you are not her favorite, be prepared for an underestimation. Once, my daughter handed her a job, they gave her 3, but the girl forgot to do it and asked her daughter, for the same work she was given 5. She also got 3 for embroidering a picture, but at the same time, the work won at the city exhibition. Everything is cooked, sewn, and they write all the time. Explains everything through one place, although it was possible in Russian. Nazarov. The case was 2 years ago. Then my son was seriously ill for 2 months. Therefore, he could not perform dz due to his health. But! They give us six stars for this and they say that even with a temperature (we were also in the hospital) we have to do it. Explain to me on what basis, because yes, the student must know the material covered, but in my opinion he is not obliged to do dz. Kozlov. In the drawing lesson, children should draw, and not write on their own. If she is not satisfied with the gamma color, be prepared for a minus. The excuse I'm an artist and see it that way doesn't work. Pick on everything. School ok. But it is better to look for others. But you will not find such teachers as Ivashchenko anywhere.

The geography teacher does not teach, but only shouts. The teacher grades on the mood and does everything to fuck off

I don’t like the music teacher (I don’t remember his name) he constantly asks for songs in rows, that is, he asks to stand in one row and sing a song to everyone nearby, and if at least one person messes up, he will put all the children who are sitting on this row 4 and he also suggests correcting like if your row got a four someone might want to correct a four for a five if you sing better than the whole row and if the child sings at the same level as the whole row or worse, he will give a lower mark and also he he evaluates all these songs very badly in rows, because when someone comes to correct him, he listens and even if someone sang well, but it seems to him that they sang badly, he immediately puts 3, he evaluates incorrectly, so I demand that this teacher be replaced on someone else who at least understands music, otherwise we are constantly sitting there during the lesson watching presentations about the church on music.

The school is good, the teachers are good, but I don’t like the music teacher, he doesn’t evaluate children well, he has no taste, for example, someone he called to sing a song, that person sang well, and he thinks it’s bad, and even when we write a song, he doesn’t wait for anyone, so he’s on we get drunk and we don’t like old songs we like modern ones but he doesn’t want us to sing them please replace with the teacher who will treat us well and we sang modern songs and not old ones.

On a request to correct the grade to the class teacher, the child received the answer Why should I waste my personal time on you. Child in 3rd grade. Another child went to correct the score in music from 4 to 5. As a result, they put 3! with the wording no hearing. These are wonderful teachers. All the work falls on the parents.

A very good professional director. The school has been put in order in terms of material and technical base. The teachers there were always good.